[i][color=goldenrod]And there you have it, puzzle solved,[/color][/i] Adam thought, seeing the chart Valair had uncovered. Confident that those two had a pretty good grasp of the details, he decided that he’d stick to his strong suit and move the rest of the statues off of their respective tiles while the others talked it over. With the angel and the horned boy moved out of the way he continued his rotation, counter to the way Rena had walked, and effortlessly slid each statue about a foot backwards. He made it to the rifleman as Rena began calling out the elements that she associated with each of them. “[color=goldenrod]Rena, you want to come identify these tiles?[/color]” He asked, once she had finished speaking. As he moved the rifleman back, he paused with the tile barely exposed and an expression of confusion spreading across his face. “[color=goldenrod]Hey, if this is iron shouldn’t it be heavier?[/color]” As it was, Adam hadn’t thought about their weight until just then, but they seemed to move awfully easily given what they were supposed to be made of. They were probably made to slide, but unless they were also hollow he wasn’t sure that it would make so much of a difference. [i][color=goldenrod]And if they aren’t hollow… well, maybe she has no idea what they’re made of?[/color][/i] he thought. Squatting low in front of the statue, he wrapped his arms around its legs, then carefully lifted upwards. He struggled for just a second, then the weight seemed to lessen and he gingerly brought it upwards until he was standing nearly straight. It wasn't light, but it couldn't be iron. With a confused laugh, he set it back down. "[color=goldenrod]Well... I think our theory might be a little off. Either of you wanna give it a try?[/color]" he asked, gesturing towards the statue.