Eric ____________________ Eric was sitting with Ash on his bed while they watched TV. The whole father situation had faded into the past and now he was just focused on pleasing Ash. They had been spending a great deal of time together and grew even closer than before. Ash was the light in Eric's dark world (literally) and he could fine no replacement. Something in Eric's stomach told him today was going to go left, simply because there is always a quiet before a storm. He could feel a certain pressure come down on him and it stayed for a while, only getting worse as the minutes go by. Soon That weight was right on top of him and he wanted to choke. The the door slammed in the next room and Eric jumped to his feet, adrenalin flooding his veins, sense on high, he could feel only danger in the main living room and he knew why. He entered the room and a very annoyed looking version of his father stood there. He had created a mess but the fact that e got the door open was amazing. Eric was thunder struck for a moment but soon regained his composure. He had to realize that he was not weak anymore and His father could not harm him only Ash. Eric crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his father with burning red eyes. Something inside of Eric wanted to hug the man but at the same time, he wanted to beat him t a pulp in the same retrospect. The temperature int he room dropped to a freezing cold and it only got worse. [color=ed1c24]"Father"[/color] Eric said lowly in his demonic voice. [color=ed1c24]"What do you want, I have nothing for you."[/color] --------------------------------------------- Mr. VonDurham ______________________ I looked at my son. He had grown quiet a bit since the last time I saw him. All tall and dark and those eyes so threatening. I might have been scared of this new born Guardian but he is my son and I have quiet the experience with his kind, but it has been a few millennium since the last time I fought one. He was still transforming but I knew that I could still hurt him. He crossed his arms at me like some child and glared at me too. He has grown quiet the pair in my absence. The boy gets it from his mother, I swear she was the love of my eternal life, but hated my guts. She is probably the only reason I did not and still have not killed this insolent brat. I glared right back at him even harder and soon it was a heated eye battle to see who could look away first. [i][color=ed1c24]"Father"[/color] Eric said lowly in his demonic voice. [color=ed1c24]"What do you want, I have nothing for you."[/color][/i] His voice even sent shivers down my body and I smiled with excitement. If I did not think that this boy was a bane of my existence I might have been proud to be called his father. But I was not proud only disgusted that he could have at least been a vampire. I came here to test the boy see if he deserves the right to be called a demon of the VonDurham line, and if he was not I would enjoy feasting on him and his mate in the next room. I closed the door and walked over to the comfy looking sofa. When I sat I looked at him and gestured for him to sit down. "Well they surely have given you a nice set up. When I went through my transformation, it was in the shit cellar of our families barn." I said with a air of nostalgia. "I am not here for anything that you can willingly give me son, only for something you can prove to me." I said condescendingly. "Oh and tell you mate to come out here it is rude to eavesdrop. Now I am going to give you some history of our family name. We have been around since the times of medieval Europe, along with the Habsburgs. We have been a power vampire clan since the medieval times and that has not changed. We do allow the occasional non-vampire member to stay alive but usually we kill them once they show signs of what they are. Now it is time for your judgement to see if you are worthy, and if you are not I will kill you and him here and now and go on about my business." I said with out a hint of emotion. I plan to test him in the same way my brother was tested before he died at the hand of our father. The test of Power. My brother was a ghoul and our father gave him the exact same test to see if he had any power, or something to give to the family. My brother was given three days to pass and he failed. My father had him tortured and quartered, his remains spread across the world never to be brought back together. I laughed and had a glint in my eye, a glint of excitement. If he failed I could do what I want to kill him and this fallen angle. "You and your mate will have to prove your worth to me in the VonDurham way, by right of power. Show me your gift, show me your power and I will let you live. But fail you will be kill at my hand never to be remember by any." I said with a menacing smile. "Are you ready [i]son[/i]! I give you one day to prepare and if by the next day and midnight you have not proven your worth to me and your ancestors I will happily kill you both." I said with a smile and dark chuckle.