A small blue dragon and flew outside to Ayaka holding a leash soon after she asked Skye to bring it to her. Well more of baby dragon really, since she only hatched just last semester. She put the leash on her crazy frost wolf. Part of this was indeed because of how hyper and playful he was at that moment, but there had to be more to it than that. He's never acted like this after all. She stood up holding Rikami's leash just as Jacob was introducing himself. Skye had landed herself softly on the ground next to Rikami. "Nice to meet you too Jake," she said smiling herself before noticing something off about his teeth. Perhaps Rikami did sense something and came outside to check it out, but saw two people here and wanted to play. People don't usually have sharp teeth and Ayaka had no idea what to think of them right now. Was he not human or something? When she came here, she didn't think magic existed and it does. It wouldn't surprise her in the least by now that other things she never thought were real actually are. "I'm pretty sure one of the reasons he acted that way is because he wants to play. That's how he usually barks when he's ready to play, though I guess he might have been so hyper today that even playing with Skye didn't help. Of course, I doubt that's the only reason he acted up. I'll ask him later if he sensed anything." She briefly looked over at the hyperactive canine. "For now we should probably go inside and continue the conversation there." Ayaka was speaking to both Nova and Jacob on this.