[@MiddleEarthRoze] 7th of December. Never understood that other way of doing haha. [@MiddleEarthRoze] Better jump on it then. Funny thing, I almost did that. I even had the idea of a son of a war vet, but I just couldn't get anything solid down, so I went with son of Demeter. I'm glad I did cause Jay turned out to be quite the character haha. [@GeliophobHyena] You can pretty much interact with anyone that isn't interacting with anyone themselves. As long as your character can mesh with them on at least some level, potentially, you can say just about anything. Here are the current students who aren't really doing anything/have just arrived at the academy -Jakes Oake [@LadyTale] -Serafina Lewison [@LadyTale] -Thomas Sephtis [@Kaithas] -Rozalia Éathliel [@MiddleEarthRoze] -Corinthe Malakos [@Obscurus] I've tagged their players should you want to talk specifics with them. If I missed anyone, I'm sure either [@HushedWhispers] or [@XxLyraxX] will tell you. ^^