I would love to join this if you wouldn't mind having me! [hider=Melaney Schuuster] CHARACTER INFO: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/4bfcb9f707b7becf5eabc71a086df1c7/http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa129/Mix_Ice_Cream/anime/PrettyWhiteHair.gif[/img] Name: Melaney Schuuster Age: 16 Grade (1st/2nd/3rd year): Second Year Disability: Xeroderma Pigmentosum (or XP) Personality: Melaney has been an outcast for most of her life, so doesn't have very good social skills. So, naturally, she's a very introverted person staying with books and music pretty regularly. She walks through every day life all alone and quietly. She wants to make friends more than anything else in the world! And since she doesn't really talk her voice can barely be carried through a room. Background: Going outside is hard for Melaney. Every time she goes outside she practically burns. Xeroderma Pigmentosum has taken control of her life since she was 3 years old. Like any other 3 year old, she loved playing outside. But one day she came inside, yelling and screaming that her skin was burning. When her mom rushed to her, she wasn't burning. They rushed her to the hospital, where the doctors diagnosed her with XP. So now, in order to go outside she has to wear cloak that covers every inch of her body. No one ever gave her a second glance at her old school, hence the reason she decided to go to Yamaku Academy. Her parents don't really care about her, and thought it would be better if she just suffered from her "stupid" disorder. She applied for Yamaku Academy all by herself, and has done just about everything for herself. Other Info: Believe it or not, Melaney actually has beautiful white hair and skin accompanied by beautiful blue eyes. And despite never talking to anyone, she could easily be one of the best singers in the country. [/hider]