[quote=@Onarax] And I finally finished, I present the son of Hephaestus. [hider=Zaheen Ibrahim/Hephaestus][center][h1][color=#1DA237]Zaheen Ibrahim[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/P1DWYl1.png[/IMG] [i]"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."[/i] -[b]Benjamin Franklin[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]Name:[/u][/color] Zaheen Ibrahim [color=#1DA237][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Zaheen [color=#1DA237][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] November 4 [color=#1DA237][u]Age:[/u][/color] 19 [color=#1DA237][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Male [color=#1DA237][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Heterosexual, although he’s a bit too focused on learning to pay attention.[hr] [center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] Zaheen is relatively tall for his age, standing at a height of 6’ 2’’, however unlike many of the Academy’s more endowed students, Zaheen possesses little muscle on that tall frame. Indeed, he is as skinny as one gets without being anorexic. That isn’t to say Zaheen is out of shape, but he definitely won’t be winning any athletic competitions. His head consists of medium length straight black hair, which is normally kept neatly combed. However it is has been known on occasion to turn into a bit of a mess. His face often has a five o’clock shadow, mostly due to forgetfulness than anything else. In short, Zaheen is rather average in appearance, which, considering his father, is probably a blessing from his mother. He generally has a rather relaxed posture, accompanied by a perpetual smile and is always fascinated by the many things around him. [color=#1DA237][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Zaheen was never one to care about clothing and thus his focus is on simplicity. As long as something is comfortable and cheap, he will wear it. Whether it be jeans, t-shirts, jackets, etc; practicality, affordability, and comfort are the only factors that matter. That said there is a surprising amount of green in his wardrobe [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Learning [*]Engineering [*]Building [*]Tinkering [*]Teaching [*]Cheering people up [*]Cooking [*]Stories, be that in games, anime, books, movies, etc. [*]Challenging himself [*]Superheroes [*]Writing [*]Helping [*]Learning [*]Did I mention learning?[/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*]People being forced into things they dislike [*]People being unable to follow their dreams [*]Busy work [*]Not being able to learn [*]Hate [*]Suicide [/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*]Being unable to learn [*]The loss of friends [*]The loss of family[/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*]Disassembling and then reassembling things [*]Pointing out fallacies [*]Tinkering with something in his hands[/list] [color=#1DA237][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Curious♦ Kind Hearted♦ Honest♦ Optimistic[/u][/center] Zaheen’s true love has always been in learning, he loves to learn solely for the pure joy. Hence systems of busy work and pointless memorization, have always confused him. What use is there in reciting a textbook definition when the same concept can be understood and applied in simpler terms? Which is another thing Zaheen greatly enjoys partaking in, applying his knowledge to new machines and devices. He loves taking things apart, so he can put them back together even better. He loves learning about new devices and ideas, so that can create new marvels. At the end of the day, much of Zaheen’s curiosity and intelligence seems to find a practical end, even if his studies were theoretical. Zaheen is also extremely kind hearted, always wishing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He often lends a hand to others with their work, before even starting his own. He sees a certain level of virtue in assisting others in any way he can. Much of this belief stems from a steady diet of heroic stories, in particular the many superhero stories Zaheen grew up reading. He would love to one day find a way to best apply his gifts towards the helping of others, but is a little unsure of whether he has the physical talent to pull it off. Still, despite his own difficulties, Zaheen firmly believes in helping others follow their dreams, and preventing them from being pushed into paths not of their own volition. He is also incredibly honest, some might even say to a fault. He is generally unafraid to speak his mind, and when asked about his personal feelings he will always answer truthfully. Bending the truth is one thing, but flat out lying is something he can not abide by. He believes that conducting himself at the highest standard of virtue, requires a degree of honesty so that one might build up a respectable trust with others. There is little to be gained in the long term after all, from deceit, malice, and lies. Finally Zaheen tries to remain optimistic even in the most troubling of times, often whispering to himself to not be afraid, that everything will be all right. Growing depressed and pessimistic is to Zaheen a worthless endeavour, for the heart scares easily and thus it has to be made a fool. That, Zaheen believes, is how one can muster the courage to face the future. Thus no matter the odds, no matter the difficulties he might face, Zaheen will always face tomorrow with a bright smile on his face and firm belief that a solution can be found. [color=#1DA237][u]Background:[/u][/color] Born in America to immigrants from Pakistan, Zaheen always assumed that he was but another offspring of first generation immigrants. Even his father’s frequent business trips failed to set off any alarms due to how hard all immigrants had to work just to make it to America. Thus Zaheen grew up immersed in two cultures and a mastery of two languages. Indeed, Zaheen always had a loving relationship with both his parents. When his father was home, the two of them would often work on machines around the house, or watch episodes of Nova and Ken Burn’s documentaries. It was his father who fanned the flames of Zaheen’s intense love for learning and encouraged Zaheen to learn even when he was away on his many business trips. It was his mother that spoiled Zaheen with tales of heroism. Each night she would read Zaheen stories about daring heroics from brave underdogs. She fostered Zaheen’s love for books, movies, comics, tv shows, anime, video games, and all other forms of media. She also instilled in Zaheen the notion that everything in this world deserves respect, and that he should always take the time to help others. That Zaheen should not only follow his own dreams, but help others follow theirs, all while keeping a big smile across his face. Unfortunately Zaheen’s normal life was brought to an end when his mother passed away. His father, as usual, had been away on a business trip, only returning in time to see her pass away. It was then, knowing that the charade could continue no longer, that Hephaestus revealed himself. Still in disbelief from his mother’s death, a shocked Zaheen had a hard time at first believing him, instead rationalizing it all as a wacky dream. He had after all recently watched that documentary on world mythologies, it was far more reasonable to assume that this was all a product of his hyperactive imagination. Yet eventually, Hephaestus was able to convince Zaheen that none of this was a dream. With the few days the God had before his next departure, he taught Zaheen about his Godly gifts and what it meant to be a Demigod. As Zaheen, only 16, was too young to properly accompany his father on his Godly duties, he was instead moved to Olympus Academy, for Hephaestus believed it to be a far better alternative to any orphanage. However before they separated, for what was sure to be a long time, Hephaestus promised Zaheen that one day he would take him under his wing to see the realms of Gods and Legends. Zaheen still eagerly awaits the day he is old enough and mature enough to join his father. However in the meantime, he has immersed himself in the many offerings of Olympus Academy, taking every possible opportunity to learn more. Which, due to his status living on campus, is pretty much every second. In addition, Zaheen has stayed in touch with his father, who often sends him gifts during the holidays. All in all, Zaheen continues to follow his mother’s teachings as he enters the future with a bright smile. [color=#1DA237][u]Extra:[/u][/color] This is a tough one, do I have to pick a Greco-Roman god for that matter? Cause dudes like Lugh are also pretty awesome. Plus is there a reason I can’t pick a monotheistic route like Allah? I’ll have to get back to you on this one. [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=#1DA237][u]Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Hephaestus, God of the Smithery, Fire and Artisans. [color=#1DA237][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Unlike many of the Children at Olympus Academy, Zaheen has always had a great relationship with his father. The two of them have worked on many projects over the years, which, although Zaheen now realizes Hephaestus probably could have solved with his eyes closed, always served as a collective learning experience. Even now, at Olympus Academy where there communication has become less frequent, Hephaestus often sends Zaheen new books and small machines to tinker with. [color=#1DA237][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color] [i]Rinascimento[/i] - Zaheen is able to intuitively understands a machine just by taking it apart once, effectively allowing him to rebuild and improve it. [i]The First Law[/i] - Much like his father, although understandably weaker, Zaheen can imbue small objects of his own creation, no larger than an action figure, with the ability to move on their own. [i]Legacy of Vulcan[/i] - His father’s control over fire also prevents Zaheen from being hurt by high temperatures or fires.[/hider] [/quote] Accepted! Nice work. Please post him in the Character Tab and write in the IC freely, now. ^_^ [quote=@Altered Tundra] [@HushedWhispers], [@XxLyraxX], [@karamonnom] Happy reading~[hr] [hider=Jeremiah Howard Tomers, Son of Demeter][center][h1][color=springgreen]Jeremiah Howard Tomers[/color][/h1] [img]http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Avan+Jogia+Vampire+Academy+Premieres+LA+Part+GQqIM31xAsrl.jpg[/img] [i]”I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It‘s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."[/i] -[b]Robin Williams(RIP)[/b] [I]”My entire life has been an uphill battle. There have been times where I wished I could die, but I know that would be even worse than my worst nightmare. I know that I can‘t rest until I find my sister. Maybe once I do, I can find that feeling of happiness that I‘ve been missing for so long.”[/I] - [b] Jeremiah Howard Tomers[/b] [/center][hr][hr][center][color=springgreen][h1][b]Personal Information[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=springgreen][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent] Jeremiah Howard Tomers [/indent] [color=springgreen][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] [indent]Goes by Jay[/indent] [color=springgreen][i]Birth Date:[/i][/color] [indent]12/7/97[/indent] [color=springgreen][i]Age:[/i][/color] [indent]18[/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent]Undecided[/indent] [hr][center][color=springgreen][h1][b]In The Mirror[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=springgreen][b]In Depth Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent]In terms of build, Jay has what could only be described as an athletic build. His muscle mass, while not exceeding the example of fit, has an obvious definition that comes from daily exercise. Now, that‘s not saying he lifts weights constantly, but he does keep a healthy lifestyle. This might stem from him being a chef and wanting to keep his body healthy or just might be his enjoyment of working out. Whichever the case may be, he definitely has a body of than of an athlete. His height comes to just two inches short of six feet. His weight has an even 170lbs to it, which is just right considering his height and body type. With skin as creamy as caramel, Jay looks rather exotic. Despite him being American-born, his mixture of tanned skin and his own genetics take dominance. Added to that, he has rather long, dark brown hair that is silky-smooth to the touch. It comes down to his shoulders. Sometimes he keeps it in a ponytail just so it’s not in the way. Though, that’s only because he cooks and having hair in food is a big no-no. Otherwise, he keeps it down in its natural form. His eyes share the same shade as his mother and that’s lush green -- the same kind of shade of meadows and spring grass. It might be a bit unnatural, especially for a man like Jay, but that’s the demigod within him coming through. [/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Clothing Style:[/b][/color] [indent]A man of simple, comfortable tastes. Jay‘s fahsion sense usually revolves around long-sleeve shirts of neutral colors(grays, whites, and blacks), jeans of blue and black, and several jackets of various makes. He has leather jackets, sweater jackets, hoodies, blazers, and pretty much any kind of jacket one could think of. His shoes are just simple walking shoes. He has a few pairs, but nothing really remarkable about them. They are simply made for walking and that‘s what they do. Those shoes of his walk all over the ground.[/indent] [hr][center][color=springgreen][h1][b]Delving Deeper[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=springgreen][b]Likes:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]The punk rock music scene [*]Cooking(now that he actually had time to do it for fun and not as a forced job from his father) [*]Reading [*]Learning new things about himself [*]Sleeping [*]Smelling the aromas of the many spices in the world. His favorite is Cumin and Nutmeg. [*]Keeping his body healthy with daily exercise.[/list][/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]People who judge others before they know who they are and what‘ they‘re like. [*]being forced to do something that he doesn‘t want to do. [*]Unusually happy and positive people. [*]Snow. Put simply, it‘s a crop-killer. [*]Country music.[/list][/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Fears:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]That he‘ll be judged for how he was before he found out of being a Demigod. [*]Not finding his sister. [*] ending up alone and with no one to remember him.[/list][/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Habits:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*]Spacing out when he‘s thinking about his writing or his next recipe. [*]Playing the air guitar when listening to music. [*]Moving his head and neck when he’s bored. [*]Suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome, so he‘s always shaking his legs when he‘s idly sitting, even if he‘s in his own apartment.[/list][/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [center][color=springgreen][u]♦ Passionate ♦ Reserved ♦ Creative ♦ Goal-Oriented[/u][/color][/center] [indent]Jay wears his emotions and everything that revolves around them on his sleeve. What this means is that, more often then not, he’s a feeler. He does not usually guard himself well when it comes to emotional attacks or emotional stability. Due to that, he is often reserved and private. In other words, he keeps to himself and only shares the bare minimum. Due to what has happened in his life, from how his father treated him and how all of the expectations were piled high on top of him and how he became to know about himself, Jay has found it better than he doesn’t share most of his life story with everyone. Additionally, there’s something inside him that he feels that people would misinterpret about himself and as a result, judge him before they got to know the real Jeremiah. Despite everything and all that he tried to turn away from himself, Jay found himself to be a rather good cook. Perhaps that’s his mother coming through or perhaps it’s a bit of both her and his father. Whichever the case, Jay has found himself, in the years he has been away from his father and step-mother , that he has a rather creative side to him. Combined with a vivid imagination of how to utilize ingredients with a strong sense of compassion for taste buds, he can use his creativity to resolve the most common human challenge: hunger. He‘s found that he enjoys finding out the perfect recipe that could quite possibly end up being the best one ever to be forged from a chef‘s mind. Passionate about what he believes to be right for him, Jay pursues the goal of becoming the best chef ever with a conviction and energy that has even caught his professors off-guard. He has even rocked the boat of the culinary side of the Academy a few times. It might be something that not most understand, but they respect it. Though his passion is dually noted throughout everyone, he has a poor patience for routine maintenance. This leaves him with little options to let off steam. Due to this, he always burns himself out sometimes and often gets into “moods” that makes him the bane of any social gathering. Speaking of respect, there has been a lot of talk about Jay having such a goal-oriented side that it has gotten the respect of most of the professors, even the headmasters. He‘s so altruistic in his beliefs and he takes the actions to make sure they succeed that he will do anything that he can that they advance. If not for his sake, then for the sake of others and for it be pushed towards the world. Or at least,t hat‘s his goal. However, that could potentially work against him due to him sometimes being a perfectionist, especially when cooking. He can get so wrapped up in making the perfect recipe that he always criticizes himself, which in turn makes him second-guess himself and what he‘s doing. As one could see, it‘s a very counterproductive trait to have, but he cannot help it sometimes.[/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Background:[/b][/color] [indent] Coming from a Jewish and Spanish household, Jay could definitely say that his life was average at least. His father was a restaurant chef at a Jewish Deli-- one of the best in Las Vegas. His food was highly regarded among high-ranking, political figures from all over the world, celebrities, performers on the Vegas Strip, and pretty much anyone who could recognize great food. His stepmother, who has full Spanish blood running through her veins, had a career in Culinary Business and Marketing. Of course, it could be well assumed that her and Jay‘s father ran the business together with his father doing the cooking while his mother handled the business side of things. And it seemed to work for them since it, to this day, keeps on running strong. All of his life, Jay was known as the son of the great chef, Howard Tomers. He was always being put in situations where the expectations of him following his dad in his footsteps by possibly, one day, taking over the family business. He was always being pushed into the culinary field. It was either taking cooking classes during middle school or taking the advanced classes in high school. To normal kids, cooking would have been a passion they chose. For Jay, it was forced on him much like how one forces a child to sit down and finish all of their food. And he hated every bit of it. Jay hated how he was forced to get into cooking. He wasn‘t all that good at it. He never enjoyed doing it and he was never the kind to know when to stop seasoning. Or perhaps, he never brought himself to attempt to like it. Perhaps he didn‘t want to be good at it just so he could spite his parents. Or maybe, he just didn‘t have any talent for it. Whatever the case may be, he knew it wasn‘t for him. When he would tell his parents about it, they went off on him like most parents who were angry with their only child would be; cursing and screaming and lecturing followed. How long had was it? Thirty minutes? Sixty minutes? Jay had lost count. At the point of the hour mark, he had stopped caring what they were saying. He stopped caring for what they felt about his decision. He just didn’t care about how, despite him being brave in saying he didn’t want to become a chef, they kept yelling at him. He just didn’t care anymore. And that’s why, when they were all done with him and he was sent to his room for the night, Jay just left. Of course, he waited until they were both asleep. After that, he left. Jeremiah Howard Tomers ran away from home. “Where did he go?” they probably thought. “How could he do this to us?” was what Jay thought they would be thinking when they realized he was gone. Oh how he wished he could be there in the room when they found that his bed was empty. It was void of his body, void of his being. Most of his clothing was packed tightly into a duffle bag he had. It was a dark grey one. It was the one that his uncle had bought him last year for his sweet sixteen. It was one of those kinds that was the real deal. It was the kind of bag that athletes use to pack their shit. Ideally, it was to be used for sports gear, not for running away and packing all of your clothes into it. Oh well, at least he didn’t have to carry them in plastic bags. The air of the Las Vegas night was as dry and as humid as Jay remembered. During the summer, it had always been like this and during the summer, it was the driest of the entire year. Just walking in it would give any man(or woman) sweat like that of an athlete. Still, it was better than his parents berating him each time they got a chance to. By the time the sun came out and no doubt his parents were aware of his disappearance, Jay was already out of Las Vegas. He hightailed on the back of a truck and was en-route to Canada. He wanted nothing to do with his parents no longer. He didn’t want to deal with their yelling and screaming. He didn’t want to deal with the crazy-high expectations that were placed on him or how they didn’t care about his needs. He just wanted to get the hell out of dodge. And so he did. About fifty miles away from the Canadian border, the truck stopped. The driver told him that this was as far as he went, leaving Jay at the edge of a fifty mile trail through a forest of trees. It wasn’t ideal, but it would have to do. About a third into the forest and Jay ended up getting lost. He went north, south, east, west, and couldn’t find where he had began. He couldn’t tell where the forest began and where it ended. He couldn’t tell whether or not if he was making distance or losing it. There was no indication that he was any closer to getting out than when he initially got lost. Just as he began to think that things couldn’t possibly get any worse, they did. From behind him, a shadowy figure wearing clothing as pitch black as a moonless night. In his hands two swords the length of his arm that had a slightly curved blade. They had a silver gleam that had a reflection of the full-moon out. This figure roared with a deep, almost monster-like growl. It sounded like a male, but Jay couldn’t be sure. What he was sure of was that this person was coming at him with a downward, vertical slice with both of the swords. Jay dodged the first one and took to the opposite direction, but the second one caught his left arm, cutting through the leather jacket he had on. Running away, Jay constantly looked back to see if the person was still following him. He was and Jay kept his motion in the opposite direction. It got to the point that he looked behind once more and the assassin was gone. This caused Jay to stop to take a breather. About a minute later, the assassin showed itself from above Jay. He had been waiting in the branches. Jay looked up terrified as the black-clothed assassin came down for another vertical slash. He covered his head with his arms, awaiting death to come to him. He waited and waited, but it didn’t come. Jay peered through his arms and saw the figure just three feet above him, his swords two less than that. He stepped back and tripped over one of the tree roots in the ground. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at. The assassin was being held in midair by branches that had extended from the trees. He was seeing things. He had to have been. There wasn’t a logical explanation for this. “Oh Jeremiah..” A concerned, female voice called out. Now he was hearing things. Great, that’s just fucking great. “Is life that bad for you that you had to run away from a stable home?” The voice said again, this time asking him a question. “What is happening? I’m heairng things.” Jeremiah would say, responding to both his own worries and that of the voice. “You are not hearing things. Look up,” And there, he saw the unimaginable. An image of what Jay could only describe as the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had the most beautiful dark-auburn hair and her skin as fair as the clouds that float above in the daytime. She had green eyes that reminded him of a lush, green field of grass. She had a light green dress on. “You’re shitting me, right?” That’s all he could mouth out. “I see you share your father’s sailor tongue,” The woman laughed. “My father? You know him?” Jay said, dumbfounded. She laughed again. “Of course I do, my ripe plum.” She said. Jay looked at her. He said nothing, but that last thing she said, “Ripe plum? But only my mother calls me that…” No, she couldn’t be. There was no way. Jay couldn’t believe it. “There’ s just no way…is there?” He asked her, half-afraid to know. The fear could be heard in his voice. “Do not be afraid,” She said, trying to calm his fear, “You are right in thinking what you’re thinking, Jeremiah.” She told him, “I am indeed your mother, Demeter, The Goddess of the Harvest.” She said, lowering the image of herself to his level. “This is unreal,” Jay really had no words for this. He truly was speechless. “So what does this make me? Some kind of weird, mutant-demigod ?” Half-joking, Jay felt he had to ask. Demeter giggled, “mutant? No, but you are indeed a demigod — a being of both god and mortal blood.” She said. “Wow, this is just too surreal.” Jay said, pacing a bit, “wait until I tell dad. I bet he’ll be surprised as fuck.” He said lowly, but Demeter heard him. “Actually, he already knows.” She told Jay, to his surprise of course. “What?” He said simply. “Why didn’t he tell me then?” He asked Demeter. “He couldn’t. I told him not to.” She said. “Why would you do such a thing?” Jay asked Demeter in a raised voice. “It was not his place. You had to find out for yourself.” She said. Suddenly, Jay’s persona switched into anger, “and what about all of the crap he was giving me about becoming a chef? Was that your doing? Or was that him trying to control my life even more then he had been?” Jay asked angrily. “I understand your anger. I will take full responsibility for whatever pain that might have been an indirect cause of my doing, but please do not blame your father. He took it very hard when I had to leave you two.” she told him. “What do you mean? When did you exactly leave?” COnfused, Jay asked her. “After your sixth birthday,” she said. “Why didn’t you stay? It could have worked. Dad would have made it work.” Jay told her, his voice elevated once more, but this time out of desperate sadness. “It couldn’t be helped. Your father couldn’t have done anything. I stayed far too long than allowed, but I did cause I loved him so,” she smiled gently as she smoke, lowering her hand to her son’s crying eyes. “My plum, do not cry. You are so full of life when you smile. Let that be what brings you solace about all of this and do not fret. I will always watch over you. Even if you do not see or hear from me, know this: you are always in my heart and should you need it, my strength is your strength. All you need to do is look within your precious heart.” Her voice trailed off in a majestic way. A golden light surrounded Jay. It was as if the floral essence itself was covering and comforting him. He could hear his mother’s voice inside mind and felt her embrace as the light completely surrounded him. Within seconds, it faded and he was in front of his house. Much to his surprise, he saw his father, but his eyes went to the sky. He knew somewhere out there, his mother was watching him. A tear fell from his right eye as he smiled. And thus began the longest and most calm-filled conversation between Jay and his father. Jay told him how he almost died from some assassin and that his mother, the Goddess of the Harvest saved him. Hearing that brought such a joy-filled smile to his face. It was the first time that Jay had seen his father smile so naturally. It was like hearing that Jay met his [I]real[/I] mother put to rest any anger he might have felt before. It was as if everything else was moot. But for some reason, his father had a sad look on his face. When Jay inquired, his father revealed why. And that’s what brought Jay to the Olympus Academy(in more reasons than one). The first being the most obvious and that was to go to a school that catered to kids like him. It was a school for the Demigods. One that had such a rich history of demigods throughout the years. Rumor had it that the first children of the great gods founded that school and for many centuries following it, it housed generations upon generations of Demigods. The other reason Jay agreed to go there was something that his father told him and that was that he could possibly have a little sister -- one that was said to have a kind heart. Jay’s father didn’t know much other than speculation, so of course Jay doesn’t know her name or what she looks like. He hoped that, by going to the Academy, he might run into her. [/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [indent]My favorite god is, coincidentally, Apollo haha.[/indent] [hr][center][color=springgreen][h1][b]Godly Information[/b][/h1][/color][/center] [color=springgreen][b]Godly Parent:[/b][/color] [indent]Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest.[/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/b][/color] [indent]They have what could only be described as a decent start. When she first came to him after saving his life, Demeter explained why she was away and what exactly happened. At first, Jay didn’t understand or accept why she left. Even when he finally got home after that, he still harbored some resentment towards her. He did as she said, though. He didn’t blame his father -- he blamed her. Perhaps he still does, but less than he did at the time. He has grown to forgive her and knows that she watches over him. Perhaps one day they might have a loving relationship like that of what mothers and sons should have, but that probably won’t be anytime soon.[/indent] [color=springgreen][b]Godly Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent][color=springgreen][I]I Hear Plant People[/I][/color] An odd ability, but one that makes him unique. Jay has the unheard-of ability to literally hear the plants’ thoughts as if they were living beings. He can hear them speak to him, he can hear what they feel when people chop down their bretheren. He can hear when they’re sad, happy, angry. Their thoughts fill his mind as if it were a vacuum sucking up dust from under the couch of a home. He hears everything and in turn, he gains knowledge of plants. He gains the knowledge that allows him to be wary of what plants are poisonous and which are harmless. He gains the knowledge of which plants can be used to make remedies for poisons, which could be used in food, and if necessary, which could be used to kill. All of this is possible because of his blood shared with Demeter, because he has the same genes as she does. [color=springgreen][I]Father Always Said I Would Be Good At It[/I][/color] And he was right. Jay did become good at it. Well, that’s an understatement. Jay is not good at cooking, he’s GREAAAAAAT! He can cook up pretty much anything and make it into something fabulous. Got any leftovers? He can make a five-star dish out of it. Want him to do something about that nasty soft drink filled with chemicals? Say hello to a marinated steak with it. Pretty much anything you give him or request him to make and it’s almost guaranteed that Jay can make something out of it and something great at that. This is a skill he gained from both of his parents. His father’s a renowned chef in the Las Vegas area and his mother is the Goddess of the Harvest. Obviously the cooking, green thumb runs in his bloodline. Perhaps more so than anyone known to existence, so it’s no wonder he’s wickedly talented at cooking up food. It’s just, before he found out he was a demigod, he had no interest in it. After that, however, he was all about that shit. [color=springgreen][I]Now That‘s One Bright Light[/I][/color] Ever since that fateful day his mother saved him, Jay has felt different. It’s as if something inside him awoke from its deep slumber and took hold of him like nothing ever before. This “thing” inside him was the light that surrounded him before. It wasn’t his mother that did it, not all of it that is. It was him and all him. It was the floral essence from the trees surrounding him that called to his inner-desire to go home. It was [I]his[/I] inner-light that wanted to be awoken and so it did. Jay awoke it with his heart and his emotions to go home. While he calls it simply “His Light”, the professors had gave it the proper name of Flora Energy Manipulation. They said that it draws the natural energy emitted from the plants and allows whoever calls for it to manipulate as they see fit. For one to use it, their heart has to be pure and untainted by the evils of the world. Jay didn’t understand it at first, but as he came to be informed about his power, he soon realized that it was more than just what he thought. He came to be able to manipulate in such ways that it allowed him to create beam-like attacks of floral energy, surround himself in an aura of floral energy, and be able to form several construct of floral energy. Though limited in what he can do at one time, Jay is starting to fully understand that his power is great and that his mother is to thank. She gave him this gift. Perhaps it could help him in his quest to finally find his younger sister that he originally came to the academy for. [/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Another character for you?! Right on, right on! Haha. Accepted, of course. Once again, nice work and you may post him in the Character Tab.[hr]In other news, how is everyone doing so far tonight? I am working on two collabs for my characters so I be a bit idle ICly for a moment. ^_^