[@Alawi Nyota] Its slipped my mind a bit so this is just a mock, anything can be added if need be. That it's not just normal students that attend this school, their known as either 'Musicians' or --can't think of anything else for now, if you have another word feel free to run it past me. When these select few are born, they bare a symbol somewhere on their body that indicates that they hold a power that few know of, it's like Hogwarts but not? Not sure if this makes sense. But what I had in mind is that these kids went to this school with a special instrument that others can't touch without harming themselves, sort of like the instrument has a barrier that only it's holder can get past. Each instrument isn't crafted like normal instruments are, they form on their own when their holder either accepts there 'ability' or a danger arises that their needed to protect the person that holds them. They pertain to a certain element of nature and some, that aren't normally heard of, those can be hased out in a bit if this has your attention. I never decided where this should take place (country wise) or how many years the students stay for (sort of like Hogwarts again but not really) of this sucks then don't feel bad to ignore it, I just like the idea that the instruments aren't 'of this world' in a way, plus I like elemental elements involved xD I can make a better summary in a PM if that helps (or we can dicuss ideas through PM as well)