"[color=ed1c24]that guys pretty good you think he's a famous rapper?[/color]" Erin said in Kathren's head, "[color=6ecff6]I seriously doubt that but that's not the..... what?[/color]" Kathren started before she was cut off by a green clad man appearing. She rotated the glass disc until it faced upward "[color=ed1c24]hey look it's another hero![/color] Erin yelled in their head forcing kathren to cover her ears though to no avail, "[color=6ecff6]please stop doing that, now let's do what the Burning Rapper told us to do.[/color]" Kathren replied before sneaking out of the Alleyway and jumping into the glass on across the street from the bank and coming walking through it till she reached the windows be find The Jester. Kathren snuck out of the mirror slowly and as she came out pulled a piece out with her which quickly shifted into a small shield and knife, "[color=ed1c24]good thing bank glass is bullet proof[/color]" Erin Said as they steadily creeps up on The Jester.the plexiglass disc was slowly rotating, giving the girl a view of herself and the others there. The closer kathren got the more she looked back at the burning man.[@NekoJordan]