No longer a WIP [hider=Virian Empire][b]Location:[/b] [hider][img][/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] The Virian Empire [b]Flag:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Capital and Major Settlements: [/b] Avolin: Avolin, the city of Avarinne, one of the few of the cities of Viria that was truly grand under the old empire as well as the new. It is an ancient city, hailing back over a thousand years to the glory days of the old empire. The city is dominated by a great black and silver tower, constructed of black marble and a strange silver stone that is not found anywhere upon the land of Seyan. And it is this palatial tower that houses the imperial family. The streets are lined with statues speaking of the glory of the past rulers of the empire, both old and new, and the entire city has a sacred air to it, a sense of great age and ancient, if faded, glory. Lothria: Lothria is like most of the cities of the empire one that has grown up from a formerly small town over the last several centuries following the transition of imperial power. While it has become impressive in its own right it lacks some of the ancient glory that the imperial capital possesses. While the black marble is still commonly used in the construction of the buildings and monuments it is less common and the other silver stone that was used in the construction so commonly within Avolin is not present here. Lothria though has a certain air to it, a livelihood that is likely in part due to the bustling trade that takes place there. Razarain: More truthfully a fortress than a city Razarain is the seat of what remains of the Razaen Order, the militant order of the Listhenic faith. Still despite it's fortress nature it is an impressive site and hosts an impressive population. Velaxin: The smallest of the cities in Viria, it is a new creation entirely since the days when the seat of imperial power first moved to the islands. [b]Ruler and Royal Family:[/b] Imperatorious Scriesen Vol Listh IX:(Emperor 52) Imperatoria Vexia Vol Av: (Empress 43) Prenarious Volrin Vol Listh: (Heir Apparent 19) Pressia Llissia Vol Av: (Princess 16) Pressia Avalia Vol Listh: (Princess 16) Prenus Razael Vol Listh: (Prince 11) Pressia Varminia Vol Av: (Princess 6) [b]People/s:[/b] Humans are the most common beings in the Virian Empire and apart from the Listians there are very few scions of other races. Listians: The Listians are a folk that seem to have entered into the twilight of their existence. Once they were many, composing the ruling aristocracy and upper class of the old empire. Now with the empire sadly shrunken and their influence faded there are only hundreds left and nearly all who remain are those who dwell within the remnants. Listians are quite similar to humans in appearance and are actually compatible in terms of producing offspring with humans and other humanoid races, though it should be noted that children of such unions are often plagued by health issues and weakened immune systems. Their most obvious differences with humanity comes in the form of their utter lack of pigment. All Listians possess skin and hair as white as snow, their lips are pallid as well naturally, and their eyes are faded spheres of grey and white. Further all Listians possess white hornlike growths that emerge from their heads. These 'horns' can be shaped in many different ways and can range from nearly invisible due to hair, and dramatically visible. Should they be cut off they will eventually grow back. It has been said that no one has ever seen a fat Listian, which while not entirely true does relate to the general body structure they most commonly possess. They are typically tall and slender beings and their features tend to be elongated when compared to humans, longer limbs, longer fingers, ect. It was said that once they possessed true magic, that the darkness and shadows of the night would obey their wishes. But if there was ever truth to those tales those days are long since passed. [b]Kingdom Traits:[/b] Wondrous Beauty: Despite the old and slightly faded nature of the glory of Viria, none can deny that it remains impressive. The ancient statues, cathedrals and other buildings all stand out. And in the capital city of Avolin, the great tower looms high, stretching into the sky above, high enough that it is said that at times clouds veil it's peak from sight. Developed Infrastructure: The old infrastructure of the empire has largely survived the tests of time and old habits die hard. Beloved By The People: The old beliefs in the divine link between the Imperial family and the gods above have endured and even now to speak against them is to invoke the wrath of those who truly rule the world. Schools: The average person in Viria has at least received some degree of education from the church run schools and those who can qualify can attend far more prestigious establishments in the big cities. [b]Military Traits: [/b] Knowledge of War: In the distant past the might of the old empire made the world tremble. While times have changed and the empire is shrunken the ancient formations and arts of war that once conquered much of a continent still live on in Viria. Trained Troops: All soldiers raised in the empire go through training and are forged into a united force and most of those who have become soldiers serve within the legions for life. Awe-Inspiring Fortifications: Having been driven to a remote outpost, what remains of Viria is determined to continue to exist. No expense has been spared to build fortifications to protect that existence. Massive Ships: The ships of Viria are immense palatial vessels, often actually looking something like floating castles and fortresses build from wood rather than earth and stone. [b]Trade Traits: [/b] Ports: Due to its' location Viria still serves as one of the major gateways for trade into the land. Though notably less so since the rise of Pelataria. Black Market: It is said that almost anything can be found in Viria if you know the right people to talk to. While that is not strictly true the reputation is well deserved. [b]Flaws: [/b] Depleted Resources: The land that remains to the empire has long been scoured and picked clean of many of its' resources. Efforts to sustain the old ways have taxed existing reserves to the brink. Corruption: Many of the old institutions that once maintained a vast empire are still present and remain bloated and swollen with staff and influence even as their usefulness has long since declined. [b]Culture:[/b] The Virian Empire, what remains of it at least, is a nation that is to a large degree defined by the adherence to a state religion that dates back to the foundation of the old empire thousands of years ago in the past. This religion, known as the Listhenic faith is one that both lends credence to the authority of the Imperatorious and that also attaches special importance to the Listian race as the children of the gods. The trappings of faith can be found everywhere within the empire, the myriad statues often depict the various gods of the faith and the great temples and cathedrals clearly show evidence of a devotion on the part of the people. Further the particular details of the attire of the faithful are nearly universally adopted within the empire. Aside from the religion Viria is a nation that is somewhat lost in the old glories of what once was and has a definite culture of nostalgia. Even though the glory days of old are long gone the mannerisms and customs, as well as the arrogance that came from immense power still linger. Those who wish to succeed in Viria must learn a dizzying array of rituals and navigate a nightmarishly complicated bureaucratic system stemming from the fusion of religion and government and the last holdings of a vestigial empire. [hider=Virian Religion] [b]Gods:[/b] Listhen, The Lord of Darkness and Shadow, He Who Brings Night- The first of the Primal Gods and the principle deity of the Listhenic faith it is said that he created the world along with his sister Luriel and that she betrayed him. But she did not prevail and he remains, ruling over all of creation save the sun and its hated light that burns. Listhen is most frequently depicted as a massive man who brings the darkness in his wake, like all of the gods of Listhenism he is frequently shown with skin of inhuman pallor, eyes the color the darkest night and hair of the same color, rather than the normal shadow, his is depicted to grow out from around him, a darkness that blots out the light. He is also depicted with an ancient crown upon his head and wields the ancient sword Lurisswring (Roughly translated to Lightbreaker) with which he struck down Luriel before she fled. Avarinne, Lady of Sorrows and Beauty, She Who Weeps For The World, The Bride of Listhen- It is said that all rain that falls upon the world is in fact her tears, sent to quench the burning earth and to offer rejuvenation and respite from the terrible heat of the sun. Avarinne is most frequently depicted as a woman of extreme beauty, with pale skin, silvered hair that hangs down in long tresses, eyes the color of the night itself and a face that while beautiful is marred by the lines of the constant tears that she sheds in an effort to ease the sufferings of the world. Selvaris, Lord of Trickery, and Guile, First son of Listhen and Avarinne- It is said that Selvaris is the patron of the clever, of those who seek to better themselves through their wits. It is said that when his father was struck down it was he who created the illusions that allowed him to escape and return to cast down Luriel. He is known to have worn many forms and has been depicted in many ways over the years. Raza, Lady of Vengeance, War, and Sacrifice, the daughter of Listhen and Avarinne- It is said that Raza is the living embodiment of war and vengeance, one who is willing to make any sacrifice to bring to the wicked the punishment and retribution that they so richly deserve. It is said that in the fight to imprison the nameless one, she made the greatest sacrifice made by one of the Listhenic gods, giving up her flawless physical form to lure the eternally ravenous god into the prison that had been constructed for it. Depictions of Raza show nothing of her features, a woman clad in layers of thin silver fabric, hands covered by layers of it as well and gripping the twin Lroist that she wields, with a face covered by a flawless blank mask made of porcelain that reveals nothing of what lurks behind it. Raza is the Goddess worshiped by those who seek vengeance as well a popular goddess to pray to before battles or the onset of war. Lothar, The Lord of Chains, Death, and Law, He who Gathers Souls, Second son of Listhen and Avarinne- It is said that to Lothar all souls of those who have failed in life are given. Those who have not followed the righteous path, or those who have worshipped or aligned themselves with the hateful light of Luriel and the sun are given over to him to torture until the end of days when their torment shall at last end and Listhen judges them ready to enter paradise and dwell with him forever. Lorthar also functions as the judge of mortals, the codes of Lothar specifically detail many of the practices that must be adhered to for one to be considered righteous as well as the punishments for the breaking of various rules and various combinations of rules down to the exact detail. One of the more cruel of the gods Lothar is primarily prayed to with desire that he turn his gaze away, or allow life to continue on for a longer period of time before claiming the lives of the faithful. Lothar is often depicted as a man-shaped mass of chains, his body contained within the clothing, but leaking from the hem of the lower robes are tendrils of chains, and if one looks at the statues of Lothar, beneath the his hood is only a vaguely head shaped mass made of silver chains. Krarsis, The Lord of Smoke, Flame, and Crafting, He who will unleash the Shroud, Third son of Listhen and Avarinne- It is said that long ago when Luriel first fled to the sun Listhen took his son Krarsis aside and commanded him to create the greatest fire in the depths, one day he said the smoke from it would be enough to blanket the earth and block out the hateful light forever. Krarsis, is the god of fire, smoke, and crafting, it is he who those who seek to create great works often pray too, it is he who the craftsmen and women of the Empire pray to asking that their buildings not fall in upon themselves and that he will extend his blessing to their work. He is also commonly associated with warfare as it is said that long ago he crafted the weapons of the gods including Listhen's great sword Lurisswring. It is said that the beautiful black marble of Viria was a gift given unto the world by Krarsis, so that the faithful might build truly fitting structures from which to honor the great gods. Krarsis skin in depictions differs from that of the other Listhenic gods as his skin is grey rather than white, stained with the soot from his constant fires, his eyes are black as the night though, and his hair like all save Avarinne is also black. Varis, Lord of Knowledge, Guidance, Fourth and final son of Listhen and Avarinne- It is said that Varis is the God of knowledge and guidance. Many who seek guidance or aid in determining what their next move, be it in terms of whether to fight a battle, or whether to make a business deal or not. Varis typically is portrayed as a man who holds in his hands the ancient scroll, it was said that this scroll would give the answer to any question that was asked by it's holder. [b]Brief Creation Story:[/b] In the beginning there were three. Listhen, Lord of Darkness, Luriel, Lady of Light, and one who is not named, the lord of entropy. It is said that in the ancient days Listhen and Luriel together brought forth the world in all it's glory and that in this act of creation their energy also brought forth the lesser gods Evarast, and Avarinne. The two primal gods each took a consort from those who had been made in the creation of the world, Listhen and Avarinne, Luriel and Evarast. From these divine unions would come the children of the Gods. And in those ancient days it was good. But the nameless one who slumbered in the early days eventually awoke and in his hunger this being sought to destroy all that light and shadow together had wrought. Long was the war in the heavens between the forces of entropy and those of light and shadow. Ultimately the nameless one was cast down and imprisoned, and it was at this moment of triumph that the treachery of Luriel was revealed. For she turned on her brother then, striking him down with her shining blade and dealing a wound that would never truly heal. But he was not slain and he called his children to him. The second war in the heavens was equally brutal but ultimately the forces of Listhen were victorious and his sister fled. She took up residence within the sun above, and from it she sends down her hateful light to scorch and burn the world. [b]Religious Restrictions:[/b] Those who follow the Listhenic faith believe that the light of the sun is hateful and corrupting, sent forth by the goddess Luriel following her betrayal and meant to poison the world. It is therefore necessary for those who are of the faith to veil their bodies from the sunlight. The clothing worn in the daytime, or when going outside is thus extremely concealing and typically does not allow any sunlight to touch the person in question. However there are many styles to their clothing and some only symbolically stop the light. Those who follow the faith also do not consume the flesh of any creature that flies, for such creatures have already been corrupted by the hateful light. [/hider] [b]Military:[/b] The Virian Empire still possesses a strong military force. Youths are inducted into the legions at a very early age and trained throughout their lives to be as effective of a fighting force as possible. Further in addition to the legions the remnants of the Razaen Order still exist and the faith militant remains one of the most effective and devoted fighting forces. The Virian navy should also not be underestimated as despite the relatively small number of ships it possesses, those that it does possess are massive constructs that are almost fortresses in their own right and which are well suited to defending the many ports in the nation. [b]Economy:[/b] Here perhaps the truest signs of the nation's shrunken nature can be found. The Virian economy is a fragile thing, held together in no small part by the trade that passes through it's ports and the fact that even now it's reputation commands a certain degree of respect. The small islands that hold the majority of the Virian population are not adequate to fully providing for the people and so much of the resources that sustain the empire come from the 'mainland' holdings on the larger part of Seyan. Still Viria does have trade routes that run through it and while not so many as Pelataria it still competes. [b]Reputation:[/b] Through the years despite it's faded glory Viria has managed to hold a place of high prestige in many ways among the other nations upon the island. Even a shrunken empire is still a force to be reckoned with. And rumors persist of the ancient power of the Listians, of the magic they once commanded, and very real stories of the fanatical devotion of their remaining soldiers. Further Viria is somewhat more advanced than the other nations of Seyan, which can engender feelings of inferiority. [b]History:[/b] The Virian Empire is old having been born far back in the mists of time in a land far distant from this one. In a distant corner of the continent of Aimsir there exists a hellish land of blasted heat and scorching sands. And it was from that hellish place, a place where the sun could truly be seen as diabolical that the Listians had first emerged to embark upon grand conquests. It is said that in those days the magic was still strong in the world, and still obeyed the commands of those who were so closely linked to the divine. And with that power they conquered. It was said that none could withstand them then, that in conquest the old empire swept all before it, stretching from the distant deserts of the far east, to the shores that came closest to the island of Seyan. And there may well be truth to that claim. For the lands they ruled are littered with relics of their old glory, ancient roads, statues, temples, and more all litter the lands where once the empire held sway. And many of those structures are still used today by the new rulers of those lands. What exactly occurred to cause the slow fall of the empire is uncertain. But legends speak of a terrible scourge, a destruction visited upon the ancient city in the heart of the blasted desert. Trenalkd, the world city, heart of old Viria was destroyed and the exact way it was destroyed is unknown for it is said that none present survived. And with the beating heart of the old empire ripped out in an instant the slow decline began. Provinces revolted, foreign nations long held at bay seized their chances to carve out pieces for themselves and over the years the empire shrunk further and further. Until only the island holdings upon Seyan, a place that the empire had never deemed worth bringing fully under its' control remained. And here the last scions of the great empire remain. [b]Misc:[/b] The Imperial family has long practiced marriage between members of the family in an old effort to keep the bloodlines pure and preserve their connections to the gods. While it is not unheard of for there to be unions with others, even with humans should the need be dire enough or the alliance favorable enough the majority of the time the divine blood is preserved and following a generation where outside blood was allowed they normally will breed it out through repeated internal unions. [/hider]