[@Ashifili][@Card Captor] Mana was extremely confused by the mysterious boy who had appeared out of absolutely nowhere in the chapel, she took a look at the doors fly open as her eyes widened. This definitely wasn't home, weird and strange magic things are happening out of the blue. She listened to him mumbled about, that all of us could be dead or something? She didn't believe him one bit, but this could possibly be the opposite of heaven if you take a good think about it. Eh, maybe not due to the chapel being there. She noticed that this boy had asked for help. [color=8dc73f][i]Help? He needs help?[/i][/color] Mana thought to herself before taking a look over to the freckled boy who had answered his question. To be honest she agreed with him, a creepy kid just appearing out of nowhere would be awfully strange in a peaceful environment. Mana walked outside the chapel to take a look at the surroundings, it was murky and full of these fairy tail creatures.