[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BeIQiDi.jpg[/img] 'Nebula' [sup]A-class, 19th ward[/sup][/center] [b]"Go, go, go."[/b] directed Nebula's comrade as she sat with her legs hanging out of the car. With the needle wavering throughout the powerband, Nebula releases the clutch to begin gradually pressing the accelerator for a racing start - up until the point that the back end is smashed by a certain ghoul's kagune, though, sending the back end out. Nebula lets out an audible 'tch' as she twists the wheel violently to the left, attempting to compensate for the sudden backspin - slowing down in the process. She keeps her foot on the accelerator and both hands on the wheel, one half-on in preparation to move for the gearstick, in her attempt to escape the battle.