[@Rin][@Grey Star] [h3]Chloe Richards - [color=39b54a]Forest of Gorlock[/color][/h3] A few minutes had passed--or at least that was what it felt like--during which Chloe had seated herself on the ground, sword on the ground beside her, and watched the myriad of animals all around them. At the same time she kept an eye on the strange deer, not quite yet sure what to make of it, but still fairly convinced that it was not here with the intent to cause her, or either of the other two, any harm. As she sat there the smulled over the different options; both of how they came here, and what they were supposed to do. [i]We all appeared here suddenly, is what it sounds like. Neither Tamaki nor Fiona knew anything as to the how and why. We just... appeared... in this place. Together. For whatever strange reason.[/i] Her brows furrowed, frowning thoughtfully. Her gaze moved to the sky above them, just visible through the hole in the canopy. [i]Tamaki seems to think that that 'Deer' is some sort of spirit, even intelligent. I've no doubt that it is intelligent... but how much? Hardly more than your average doe or stag, I would think.[/i] "That's oddly specific," she said out loud, directed at Tamaki. "Your theory as to how we came here, that is. It's... What should I say... Very fantastic? Out of the ordinary? Not that anything here is--" she looked around, pursing her lips "--ordinary." She stood up then, picking up her sword as well. She started heading towards the treeline, but stopped just short of it and turned back towards the other two. "I'll go take a look around, see if there's anything interesting." A gentle smile spread across her lips. "I'll be within earshot, so if you need me just shout and I'll come." With that, she turned around and passed the first few trees, wishing that no branches would decide to snag at her yoga pants or tank top. [i]I really would prefer not to end up exposing more skin than just my stomach.[/i] As fate would have it, she passed a thorny bush and ripped a small hole in her 'pants'. It wasn't too bad, but enough to annoy her slightly. It wasn't a bush she had seen before, nor were any of the trees she noticed. A few looked like oak or maple, but either the colours were off, the tree was too large or small, wrong patterns on the leaves, or any combination of those. She found a bush with some berries and plucked a few, stuffing them into her tanktop, hoping that they wouldn't end up getting mashed into paste before she got back. That, and hoping that they were edible. Heavens knew they would need to know what could be eaten by them one day. She continued wandering around, keeping within earshot of the other two, and their flock of animals. At one point she used her sword to hack off two thick branches from a tree, cleaning them of twigs growing from it. [i]Should make fine walking sticks, if it comes to it,[/i] she thought, and continued her search for anything interesting. All the while pondering what that strange feeling in her gut was. As if she wasn't quite... "just her" anymore.