"Shit!" Oberon shouted as he narrowly dodged the full blast of the grenade. It managed to catch him behind, sending him falling on his face, his cloak on fire. A couple of his men stopped firing at the shielded one to help him up. Oberon quickly brushed them off, enraged, he pulled of his cloak, sending it to the wind. He was about to attack himself but the whir of an engine caught his attention, looking up, his shuttle had arrived. With the shuttle came the volley of its machine guns, as it fired at the two intruders. Oberon got on with much distaste, two of his men got on with him, while the others withdrew back into the building. As it took off he looked at the the man who dared to defy him. Something told him they would meet again. "Take me to Archon." was his command. ---- One fell that night to Oberon and his Son's. Now there is much chaos in the streets as looting and rioting are taking place. Order would come soon but for now chaos ran rampant.