The night was busy but pleasant. Olivia and Shawn worked to sort out everything they had salvaged, organizing it and putting it away nice and neat. On their maps they marked out the places they had hit up and then marked where they wanted to go next. They discussed the various ways they could get up to Canada and made several plans for each path in case things went awry somehow. Olivia's philosophy was that it was better to have too many plans than to not have any at all. After Shawn and Olivia were satisfied that they had done enough work for the night they decided to relax. She stayed with him that night. They had dinner and talked of anything and everything. For a while they watched the snow through the windows. It was coming down heavily, the temperature was starting to drop drastically. Olivia hoped this meant that the Walkers would freeze solid again, giving them an easier time of traversing the city. Of course there were other threats too--namely other survivors. Olivia had met no one else other than Shawn so far, but that didn't mean there weren't more people out there. Olivia fell asleep in Shawn's arms as she had the night before. When on her own Olivia's had only ever slept for a few hours at a time in what was more of a light stupor than a deep sleep. Even when it was time to rest she always had to be aware. Here with Shawn, however, Olivia was able to sleep deeply without worry. Her dreams were peaceful and uninterrupted. Come morning, she woke and stretch before curling back up with a content sigh. Shawn wasn't awake just yet so for a time she was able to just watch him sleeping peacefully, one hand tucked behind his head, his other arm still wound protectively around her waist. Olivia couldn't help but marvel at the fact that such a sweet guy loved her and wanted to be with her. It still felt unreal, but it was indeed very real and she thought her heart might burst with joy. Carefully she leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek, one hand rubbing his chest gently. "Come on, love," she prompted him softly, giving his cheek another kiss. "The sun's almost up. We have to get up and start our work." For a little while Shawn refused, simply pulling her closer so she couldn't leave him and their warm bed. Eventually he finally agreed to get up. "Dress warmly," Olivia told him, her hand on the knob of the door leading outside. "It's going to be a cold day. I'll be back soon. We can have breakfast and then get going." After getting what she needed from her boat, Olivia made her way back to Shawn's boat. If today went well they would have a new boat that they would share and live in together until they could make it to Canada. Olivia was excited at the thought. The day was extremely cold though, so she knew they'd have to move pretty quickly. Just the short walk between their boats and back had her face flushed red. After a light breakfast the two head out together. Shawn and Olivia didn't walk hand-in-hand, but they did walk close together. As Olivia hoped all the Walkers had frozen over again. She killed any she came across, prompting Shawn to do so too. The less Walkers in the world, the better. When they came close to the ocean docks, instead of heading straight there they instead made their way into a nearby high-rise building. Olivia wanted to scout the area from afar before they approached the boat, just in case someone had claimed it, or in case anyone happened to be nearby for any reason. She stood there on the roof of the building, binoculars lifted to her face. They watched for an hour and a half, but Olivia could see no sign of life. Lowering her binoculars, Olivia turned to Shawn and said quietly, "I think it's clear. Just in case, I think one of us should remain hidden and come for backup if something happens."