[b]Name:[/b]Elizabeth Victoria Johnson (Shela) [b]Age:[/b] 137 [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf - Sundered [b]Class:[/b] Battlerager(Altered) [b]Appearance/Clothing:[/b] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ee/77/3e/ee773e1bd3ce2e195bdb0e4ef2cf8669.jpg[/img] [b]Skills:[/b] Brawling, Throwing Crap, Trigger Weapons, Sling Shot, Alchemy, Athletics, Trickery, Torture, Smoking, Drinking, Beers of the World, Stonecunning, Martial Weapons, Climbing, Stability, Appraise, Survival, Photographic Memory, Brewing, Languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Dragonic, Halfling [b]Natural Abilities:[/b] Darkvision, +2 resistance to poison, +2 saving vs spells and spell like effects, +1 to attack against orcs and goblinoids, +4 armor class against giant types, high constitution, higher strength, lower charisma, lower dexterity, no penalty to base speed due to armor or load [b]Magic/Spells/Magic Items:[/b] Zip Ring (magical Zippo) [b]Additional Information:[/b] -4 penalty to attack rolls when underground [b]Weapons/Armor:[/b] Sling shot, 10 ceramic axes of Greek Fire, Smoke Powder packets, Warhammers (2), Battlerager Armor (altered), Light Crossbow (2) with bayonet (2 quivers), custom elven chain. [hider=Armor] Does not wear the full suit - she only wears what covers her shoulders, arms and back of her hands, as well as the helmet. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/3/35/Thibbledorf_Pwent.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110831044016[/img] [/hider] [b]Possessions:[/b] Healing potions, sleep potions, knife, grapple, rope, pack, water skin, rations, dried meats, pipe, tobacco, quill, ink, parchment, bedroll, restoration potions, survival kit, flint & steel, ball of string, clan standard handkerchief, tobacco & pipe pouch (water resistant), hemp necklace with dragon tooth, clan standard flask, dwarvish love stories book, [b]Personality:[/b] Shela has an inappropriate sense of humor and can be a loud boor, drunk or not. She is rather sadistic, tends to drink a lot and prefers her home brewed beer. (Though she has never swilled it) – She is a bit of a trickster and has a tendency to play practical jokes on people and really doesn’t care if they find them funny or not as long as they make her laugh. She has little to no tact and plays the pyscho role very well. She enjoys causing pain on those that deserve it and doesn’t have a problem head butting people, usually in the groin. If she can make things go boom she will. She nearly always has a pipe in her mouth and prides herself in never losing it even when in battle. Her personal quote is – “It’s all fun and games till someone gets blown-up, then it’s just fucking aces.” [b]History:[/b] Shela comes from a large family and has 9 siblings. Her mother is still alive but her father passed away when she was 21. Her sister Lily died when she was 16 and she is bitter rivals with her siblings Toby and Brianna. She has one sister, Susan, that she is completely devoted to and would move worlds for. The rest of her family she has a neutral relationship with – Randall, Christy, Daphne, Gena & Ester. Her history isn’t much, having always loved to get into a good fight growing up, she became the family protector at a young age. Once her siblings were grown she left home to find high adventure and it known throughout the area as the one to call if you want to get the job done and don’t care about it being subtle. She wears a necklace with a tooth affixed to it, the tooth if from a dragon her and one of her former adventuring parties were battling. She ended up rushing the beast and climbing up onto its back, shoving an axe of special make down its throat before jumping off. The subsequent explosion ended up blowing the creatures head to pieces and she was able to retrieve one undamaged tooth from the left over lower jaw.