Oh, [@tsukune] thank you for the kind words. Even if we don't share anything in common, we at least share a passion for writing and that I can often get behind. Oh you flatter me quite, [@Altered Tundra] thank you! I know I've watched you for a while too, you're one of the awesome originals who have stuck around. :) By the way, your signature and avatar set? *fans self* I'm always happy to see the Glube. And thank you too, [@Nightrunner] that's really sweet of you to say~ Now for me... [@xodus] is a GM I have always tried to emulate. I've been stalking their C.A RP for many years and have had a hard time sticking to the sidelines. They're what pushed me into becoming a GM and starting my own line of RPs. They're awesome and creative, a great inspiration for me since I joined the site many moons ago. [@SoleAccord] He's a badass friend who I love to plot with. He's also a bombass writer who has stuck with me for quite some time. He is so great with fandoms, I almost hate him but instead, I love him to bits! He's passionate and strong with his posts and the effort doesn't go unnoticed. <3 [@mmidnight] You're my girl, we've been working on our THG for eons and it's never once taken a dip in awesomeness! I credit the success to you and I am so stoked to keep going~! :3 [@vietmyke] I couldn't leave you out. My trusty co-GM...my rock...my lover--wait no! I mean...um ahem! I kid, I kid. You're patient, give great input and are easy to mesh with. Without you, I'd be utterly lost though, it's icing on the cake that you're not only super nice but a super cool writer too and I know you've got lots on your plate. The fact you make time for C&C and me, is really appreciated. [@Krauxis] Your posts make me smile, getting something from you is always amazeballs. I'm so glad you've stayed with me and the RP for so long with everything else going on. I love ya! [@NeoAC] and [@TalijaKey] are both fun to have around as well and you have both been so cool with the turbulence lately. Thank you so much! [@Marx] I'm not sure if you're the same guy I RP'ed with a while ago when we had the 1x1, I'm still bummed you dropped it but I'm only saying this because I think you're a freaking awesome writer and no matter what you do, you're doing it well. So no hard feelings, bud. Just know I'm always rooting for ya. [@Vena Sera] Even though I thought we had a good thing going, you were really good. Like super fucking awesome good and you should know I admire your skill. Keep on writing, man. [@Torchwood] I don't know where you are now but you were a FANTASTIC Ninth Doctor and I needed to let you know that. I'd give shoutouts to my older crew but since they haven't been around since relaunch, I can't. I'm sure I'll be back to remember those I've forgotten though! ^^;