She'd expected it to be bad, Noah's mad schemes usually were bad news to begin with and Viva had been growing worried about how far he'd go... but this was a whole new level of low. She had had no inkling as to just how far down into the pit of depravity that he'd drug them into... But so far as Nth? Just a taste, less than the smallest drop of Nth was enough to make a user a junkie for life. To use it was to feel like a god, all knowing and all powerful, with visions and strength and speed at an inhuman level. Lord and master over your olympus mountain- and dangerously paranoid that everyone and everything was out to get you. It ravaged the body and mind to a level that someone could become unrecognizable in a matter of weeks. Burning and scorching the very essence of a person until there was nothing left but a hungry hollow that could only be filled by Nth. Nth was so very very dangerous. And Noah had invited this devil into their home. [I]"This much nth is worth ..." Loire couldn't even begin to formulate the figure, "I don't even know how you could get this much in one ... Oh god. You have to get rid of this."[/i] "We didn't even get it all," Viva replied dazedly, her mind still racing with the implications, "We- there had been more but then Valko- this might not even be half of what we were supposed to pick up." Did Valko know? Had he been in on this? She'd known that Valko would follow Noah anywhere and he usually was in on Noah's mad schemes, but to go so far as this? And keep it from her? Val had to know she wouldn't approve of this, would never have joined them in running drugs this potent. And if he hadn't known? Had Noah kept this from him as well? Would he feel as betrayed as she did right now? The questions swirled in her mind, and her ears were starting to ring and she found that the hand she was using to lean against the wall had curled into a white knuckled fist. The hand at her mouth was similarly clenched, and after looking at it a moment she slowly brought them both down to hang at her sides. She wasn't trembling anymore, although there was a stiff coiled tenseness about her posture that hadn't been there before. The shock had washed away, and now she was calm. And filled with a white hot rage that left her mind quiet. Abruptly she turned around, leaving the doctor without a word and strode purposefully down the hall to the cockpit. Her boots stepped into the tacky blood on the ground, and her footprints followed her to where Noah piloted the ship. She didn't slam the door open, although the thought was there, instead she opened it very deliberately. The soft sliding click sounding like a gun chambering in the silence and was sure to garner his attention just as quick. "Nth, Noah," She said coldly. It wasn't a question. And it wasn't accusing. But the statement alone let him know she knew now, and exactly how she felt about it. Even though she was calm and her posture was almost relaxed, she was radiating rage and a raw betrayal that would be hard to look at if he cared even a little. She doubted it.