Seems fun, dunno whether or not to post my application here or in the CS section, so i'll just do t here for now. "[color=00746b]Who said that a monk can't enjoy a drink?[/color]" Username: MonsieurShade Name: Ha Mao Age: 25 Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] - He stands at 6'3" and weighs about 185 pounds Gender: Male History: A bit of a rough and tumble child in his early years, it was originally believed by those that knew Mao that he would be an excellent fisherman on the fields of battle. His ferocity paired with the legendary strength of the Ha family seemed as though it would be a potent mix that would serve well for his allies. There was one issue though: Mao had absolutely no concept of teamwork or authority. He believed himself above any of his peers outside of his own clan, and would often ignore or challenge orders given to him by superiors under the basis that they weren't strong enough to make him do what they wanted. This resulted in his discharge from the local militia, and would have also resulted in excommunication from his family had it not been for the fact that a friend of the family offered to take Mao to live in the monastery he himself lived in until Mao was able to cooperate. Mao was hurriedly sent off to the monastery, wherein he quickly discovered that all of his strength meant nothing if the person you were trying to punch could not only easily dodge, but could fold you into a human pretzel just as quickly. After a few more failed attempts to fight or flee, Mao accepted his fate and stayed under the tutelage of the monks whom had taken him in for several years until he'd learned to fully control his temper and violent impulses. He was allowed to leave the monastery and reclaim his position as a fisherman until he was called upon by Headon. Mao now climbs the tower to gain true enlightenment. Status: Regular, Ha family member Position: Fisherman Weapon/Skills: Mao is extremely adept at using shaolin kung fu made more powerful by his natural strength and Shinsoo enhancement. Equipment: A modified spear (added a hard metal ball on the opposite end for nonlethal takedowns), a string of mala beads (for prayer), and a small gourd filled with wine (the man likes his wine).