“I am Marlona,” she cheerfully responded, “and it is nice to meet you.” Unfamiliar people were always a strong attraction to a curious faun such as her, not to mention the notable politeness that happened to follow along. “I hope you weren’t standing here the [i]entire[/i] time I was inside. If so, I am really sorry for the long wait. Kind of my fault for taking so long to respond.” If not for Nyishla’s little push to move along, there was no doubt Killashandra would have eventually left without further regard. “You wouldn’t happen to be here to see Nyishla as well, would you?” Marlona, hoping Killashandra would understand, shifted the focus of conversation towards that peculiar earth spirit. “It’s alright if you aren’t.” This was completely understandable given that Marlona still didn’t know what exactly a spirit of lost direction really was even after summoning her form entirely. “Besides, I can easily go with the idea of just wandering in here for whatever reason. Was pretty much how I wound up here in the first place.” A smile appeared on her face, amused by such adventurous thoughts. “Still… I remain unsure what exactly I am searching for, only that I feel as though I am following something in the distance, unclear as it may be.” Spoken thoughts took their turn, contemplating present circumstances. “But enough about all that uninteresting stuff. How about yourself? Is there anything I can assist you with?” Marlona let her sincerity known. If there wasn’t anything in particular, just having enjoyable company was always a pleasant way to pass the time along.