[quote=@caliban22]Whats the posting minimum?[/quote] If you mean amount posted it really has more to do with quality and substance than it does have to do with length. So you can write a paragraph response, but I'd hope it's got some quality to it and has things that give material for others who are interacting with you to react and interact with. At the same time, I'm willing to allow people to grow as writers here, so I'm not going to really put a lower limit on things in regards to amount posted. What I'd [i]like[/i] to see, but don't expect because expectation vs. reality is unfair, is for people to post 2-5 paragraphs of quality stuff. [sub][h3][b][i]However, again, we accommodate for everyone here.[/i][/b][/h3][/sub] However, if we're talking about post [i]frequency[/i], well, I'd like for people not to hold their writing partners back. Meaning, if someone is waiting for you to post for over two weeks, I am going to be at least somewhat displeased with that. Their character will be liable to be controlled and portrayed as accurately as myself, or another GM, can manage so that they can be moved to the side and everyone can continue with their posting with as little further delay as possible. So yeah, don't disappear for a while week without any notice and [i]try[/i] not to leave people hanging as otherwise I'll have to step in so the others can move on. If one is gone for three weeks without any contact or response to any GMs attempts at figuring out what's going on your character is likely to be killed or put into a situation where they are not going to interact with anyone, but can be picked up. As a note, those who drop off the face of the earth and make no effort to communicate why (if such is possible) will be watched with greater scrutiny should they return after a leave of absence whereas those who maintain contact will be given greater leeway.[hr] [@Tuujaimaa] you may consider the below edits only [i]partially[/i] negotiable. Meaning, some change of similar make, or equivalent limitation must be applied to compensate for not accepting the ones listed below. I am also going to apologize for coming off as rude below as I'm being blunt, so it tends to sound that way due to the lack of sufficient tone portrayed through textual communication. So yeah, don't take it personally. [hider=review][quote]Hebi Shiin Mizu Gijutsu [Snake-Tasting-Water Technique][/quote] I want a definite range on this. Since the range that this applies to her primer seals is 50 feet I'm going to give you the range for her personal use of it. He sensory sphere for this will have a diameter of 95(311 ft) meters. That's a 47.5(155 ft) meter radius. [quote]Jiko Shōhi Maru - Go Yōso [Self-Consuming-Circle - 5 Elements][/quote] I think 2 minutes between switches is going to make this more reasonable, so please apply that change. [quote]Hebi Kamu Shin'nyū no Jutsu [Snake-Biting-Intruder Technique][/quote] It's fine if the seals are normally invisible to the average person's naked eye. However, I'm going to mandate that this can be detected by anyone who is fairly good at detecting chakra. Meaning, sensory shinobi that can detect chakra via doujutsu or other methods should be able to see the location of these seals due to them being composed of chakra. [quote]Kuchiyose: Hebi Hakidasu Kemuri Gijutsu [Summoning: Snake-Spewing-Smoke Technique][/quote] Not sure how I feel about this due to the sheer level of death it would cause. I'm going to allow her to have it, but under one condition. She's not going to use it unless it is a GM approved plot point, because that's the scope of damage this would cause. [quote]Hebi nusumu Hikari Gijutsu [Snake-Stealing-Light Technique] [b]"She is also able to apply the seal to an object, and have it bind to the first person that touches the object."[/b][/quote] She may apply it to an object, but unless the person comes into direct physical contact with the spot on the object that the seal is applied to, it will not activate. [quote]Hebi-Iji-Kyōkun Gijutsu [Snake-Keeping-Precepts Technique][/quote] I'm going to want a solid number of how many extras she has. Reason being, this otherwise makes her unkillable except via some [i]very very[/i] specific methods. An example being the use of Mukōton, which very few have. I can see a few ways around this, such as disabling the seals, but given her vast array of methods to keep people from doing just that, unless there is an effort to balance this technique, I'm going to limit the "copies" to one. If she is incinerated these seals will not activate as an additional things. Basically, if she is killed very quickly, or very slowly, this technique isn't going to save her in the long run. [quote]Shūki-Gai [Outside the Cycle][/quote] We talked about this. If you want to use this to capture someone, you MUST discuss it with the player in question. This is one circumstance where I don't care much if it'd be out of character for Kinjiro not to use the technique. If there is no conversation with the involved parties and you go and capture their character without permission there will be harsh penalties. I probably won't do anything so drastic is oust you, because that's something I'd prefer to avoid. You're a skilled writer and storyteller and I value that. However, do expect, at the very least, IC ramifications for breaking that rule. [quote]Hebi shi-ka Higai Gijutsu [Snake-Assimilating-Victim Technique][/quote] Only because of the infrequency with which it can be used and the requirement of assistants, who I'm going to go ahead and say should not be NPCs, am I going to allow this technique. [quote]Jōdomon [Pure World Gate][/quote] It states that there is a potential for abuse. Going to tell you. If this is used too frequently, which I doubt but will state anyways, you're going to have some very dangerous people looking for the person who made it. Given the identity of these people, even Kinjiro ought to fear them finding her...and they would be likely to do so. [quote]Fukutsu no Ishi [Indomitable Will] [b]"No chakra-based defence is effective against this technique, and it easily slices through Kekkai Ninjutsu."[/b][/quote] Everything else I can deal with in regards to this technique. This however needs to be removed. In tangent with the techniques other abilities Kinjiro could have just this and be able to defeat literally anyone. As such, that part of the technique is to be removed. Please and thank you.[/hider] This concludes my review for the moment. I need to go over her history, but aside from that I think I've addressed the points I want to.