Well, [u]I've got a few that I know I've totally boondoggled over the years[/u], either due to "scheduling", making an ass out of my introduction, sending the story in a direction none of us wanted it to go, or simply having lost their interest; probably the one I [i]really[/i] missed the bus on was with Exorcist93/VanillaFire, which was cut-short shortly after the int-check was launched due to a brain-hemorrhage. She recovered from her coma a few months later*, and eventually regained [i]some[/i] of her memories after changing her username, but apparently suffered a re-bleed (which is [i]nearly always fatal[/i]). *Ironically, myself coming to terms with news of her hemorrhage occurred only a few days before she returned. **"Scheduling" also includes prolonged loss of access to internet for [i]any and all reasons[/i]. Usually I just bookmark the RP on-hold and wait. -Due to time-travel being a thing, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BFdRdYI51M]I have been instructed not to recognize anyone unless recognized[/url].