[@Nightmare Bites] [center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/3532118be48ca12cf35238407326821e/http://i853.photobucket.com/albums/ab95/hulia12/AnimeGirl-17.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUNNXecb6nA]You're all going to die here[/url][/center] She felt the hit from the tentacle as the whip was once again smacked away from the target. However, she used that momentum that was built up from the rebound to wrap the whip around a nearby pole. It may have once been an antenna but it looked as if it had not been used for that purpose for some time. As the whip made contact she leaped into the air and let the centripetal force bring her flying around the pole and used herself as a projectile towards Floira, but with the angle being slightly off to the left of her but by looking at her, it would seem that she was aiming for Floria. As she came around, she brought her legs together to form into a large and narrow lance. Her speed was remarkable for what someone like her was capable of. As she would close the gap to about half a foot she would extend her arm out to form a semi thick and long blade in an attempt to either slice into her neck or knock her off the building. If it would connect, she would been blown back off the roof due to the speed and power of the attack. If she was to be blocked yet again, she would bring her legs down mid-air, reverting them back to the axes as she would remove her mask, allowing her face to show her true self as the face she hade would morph into the symbiotic teeth and eyes. Her neck would extend outwards towards Floria's neck in an attempt to take a chunk out of her. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/F89QLxu.png[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk0PdLZqZqU][i]"All I'm trying to do is live my motherf***ing life. Supposed to be happy. You know... wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside."[/i][/url][/center] [Center][h2] Somewhere in the Ninetieth Ward [/h2][/center] As the car screeched away, he gave a nasty glare towads the cackling "bitch" who would taunt him as he was escaping. A vocal "tch" would escape as he tried to stand, his kagune disappearing. He quickly took notice to the visablility that he had due to the broken mask. As he gave a frusted sigh, placing the mask underneath his coat and brought his hood up. Most likely the girl her protected with silver hair would try to help him, if she tried he would wave her off and begin to limp away, repling with a [color=ed1c24]"Thanks but I'll be fine."[/color] As he limped quickly out of the alleyway, before straining himself to walk normaly amongst the gowing crowd of humans. Mitsurugi would smile at the passerbys. He didn't particularly care if the SILVER HAIRED girl followed but he would make it difficult for her to keep up as he would dip in and out of groups of people, turn down multiple alleys before he made his way to a rather run down looking warehouse. He had come across this place a few times. It was a rather quiet area to lay low when an area would get too hot. As he entered he gave a sniff around, noticing he wasn't the only one in there. [i][color=ed1c24]'Tch, another ghoul. I'm not having such a great day am I.'[/color][/i] He thought. His voice would echo through the warehouse like structure. [color=ed1c24]"I know your here but I would like to point out that I have already had a rough day and I'm not particularly in the mood to get into another fight."[/color] He held a stance that showed alertness and the ability to strike at a moments notice while holding a calm posture. [@raijinslayer] [vFear] [@Phobos] [@XxLyraxX] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [@Phobos] [@Oblivion] [center][img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/-jwgbpZ9zcM/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [h2]Akira Matsumoto (Jinx), Above the Hydra/Joker's End Fight Beginning[/h2][/center] Her screaming stopped as she watched her shards explode and disappear and Kazumo apppearing in front of her, all in a matter of seconds. Her eyes went wide. [color=f26522]"Who the fuck, said you could intervene in my fight?[/color] [color=92278f]"But-"[/color] [color=f26522]Huh little shit?[/color] [color=92278f]But he-[/color] [color=f26522]Do you really think you will be of any help anyway?[/color] [color=92278f]I-[/color][color=f26522]You think I am weak?[/color] [color=92278f]N-no not at-[/color][color=f26522]If you wish to be here then sit the fuck down and watch." [/color]Kazumo said glaring at her before leaning in towards her ear. This caused her to gain some pleasure. [color=92278f]"If you attack my prey again Jinx.... I'll kill you."[/color] Her voice had a sexual tremble to it as she replied. [color=92278f]"O-o-ook~ heheheh~[/color] Kazumo warned before appearing down towards Tatsuo again and frowning. She remained there in a fantasy like bliss until she turned her attention to Mizumu and the other chick and decided to have some fun with the both of them as she dipped low and moved across the building to get a better angle on the two. Her shards were aimed directly at the two and held it there, following their every movment.