Your post looks great to me. Poor Loire, Viva didn't mean to give him the cold shoulder for so long, she was just so angery at Noah he just caught the backlash of that. If Viva's gonna pop out for refueling, do we want her to get attacked by some crimminal underlines? Maybe not the guys that are chasing them but just some lowlifes that have heard through the grapevine that a ship of their class is carying a treasure trove of Nth? If thats the case, then it shouldn't be anyting more than she can handle, cause she's on her own and we dont need to do another Kidnapping LOL. Just a lil something to show just how deep in the shit Noah's got them. And then maybe Valko can wake up? I'll need to refresh his character in my mind too, its been so long LOL just a re-read should do for that. He barely got to be himself before he keeled over hahaha. Do we want a groggy awakening, or do we want to find him rummaging through the fridge? LOL