Hahaha fantastic! okay i think i'm gonna go with the "rummaging through the kitchen" for Valko, cause groggy is just boriing and we want to dive right into his character after all this time. He'll still be a bit groggy, and dopey cause of the pain-meds, but having him up and attem will make Viva feel so much better and get the Doc all stressed out (stomache Wounds should HEAL before you start using them again idiot!) And for Viva I think i'll go with a junkie like you said, but a ravaged junkie. Someone going through withdrawls. So they are vicious, desperate, and not as strong as they could have been with their wasted system. They'll get the jump on Viva but wont overpower her. Sound good? Annnywho, I think i'm gonna hold off on doing that post for a bit so YOUUUUU can get some sleep you crazy potato you. I'm gonna go veg my brain out with some fun youtube videos in the meantime ;P