[@Phobos] [color=f26522][h2]Kazumo Igiri[/h2][/color] He would listen to tatsuo silently and for once Kazumo remained silent before dodging his own bike that Tatsuo dodge as he felt the vibrations. [color=f26522]"Thats because only I'm allowed to kill those retards. I'm not letting you do it. But good to know, I'll remember to get rid of the vibrations for next time. Good idea, hope it doesn't bite you in the ass."[/color] Kazumo couldn't help but laugh as he cracked his neck as Tatsuo grew even more heads. [color=f26522]"Well then, lets hope the climax doesn't fuck up anything else.... Ahh who am I kidding it will."[/color] Kazumo stated but as Tatsuo came at Kazumo, he would instead fly at a building. A rather large one as well, yet Kazumo shouted a bit as his Wings morphed to form some massive ass wings that were soaked in his blood and were much wider than the building length was. So as Kazumo flew at the building, he sliced clean through it, he just risked cutting up his face but the building falling straight down on Tatsuo would still be a sight to see. Floating in the sky he would almost look like a really twisted angel of death.