[quote=@OneWayOut][@yoshua171] I'd quote you but that would take some space haha. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I do have a skype, which I'll pm you my skype name and I'll be submitting my Chunin in just a few minutes here. As for the Kage position I was secretly wanting the Kazekage and as I was reading who claimed what, I was like "Please... please... pl- Yes!" XD For now I think I want to start with those two characters but my mind is spinning with all the character possibilities :) I'll let you know If i think I'd like to take on more than that. But, for now I suppose I should show you my Chunin. Just a sec.[/quote] Haha, glad you came in time to snatch it up :P No worries on the quote :-3 I shall add you to the Skype group once I have acquired your Skype name~