Dawww shucks. I guess its my turn now~ [@Harbringer], The OG, The first GM of my very first RP of my first ever forum and whom without I'd probably be naught. Always the reliable writer, versatile, and a solid choice for any cast lineup. 10/10 would recommend. [@Genkai], The boss, M, bosswoman, the gal who was responsible for my first steps into the Advanced crowd, whom I've gone from striving to impress, to Co-GMing for. Here's the person who introduced me to the idea of 'limited spaces/not first come first served' in an RP and who I've nervously awaited feedback on a character several times before. I'm proud to have come so far in your eyes, here's to many more RP's in the future- now where'd that champagne go? [@Whoami], My partner in crime, my go-to gal, who I can always turn to when I have an RP itch that needs scratching- Sometimes fantasy, usually hard military/sci fi. One who shares my love for realism and nitty-gritty while also leaving room for dramatic flair and applied phlebotinum. However, I think now would be a good time for me to admit this... For the longest time, I thought your name was pronounced "Whoa, Me", instead of "Who am I"... Even though I now know the difference, you're still "whoa me" in my eyes... Womp c: [@Rtron], the second half of the terrible two.. (or the first half, whichever you prefer.) Apparently we're the same person, so I'm not going to bother complimenting myself because that'd be obnoxious. May we bust knee-caps and spontaneously combust for many more cycles. [@Ellri],[@Lucius Cypher],[@Sundered Echo],[@EliteCommander],[@Fallenreaper],[@cqbexpt],[@Sep],[@Heat],Rtron(again): The Crew. These individuals who make the Guild feel like a second home to me. From mindless fooling around, to geeking out, to RP discussions and deep talk, along with putting up with me when I'm drunk and feel like being on the internet; these guys make sure that this neck of the net is my favorite. Thanks for putting up with my shenanigans! When I take over the world, I'll give you each your own country to play with. :D