[center][img]http://fineartamerica.com/images-simple-print/images-medium/passing-time-barbara-white.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2][b][u][color=tan]Over the Ages[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center] [center][h3][b][color=tan]Episode 1: All That Remains[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [center][color=gray]Throughout the ages, we immortals played a part in every significant event in history. We are the unseen hand that guides humanity. Some of us have been revered as gods, such as Buddha, Christ and many others; but the majority of us have chosen to remain unseen and unknown. We've created, fought and ended wars. We've fought side by side or against one another, but at the end of the day we referred to one another as brothers and sisters and continued on with our long lives as though a war with millions dead was just a simple argument between ourselves. Despite some of us being seen as gods, we are far from it. We are simply humans who don't age. When we die, we spend a mere forty-eight hours in a world between life and death with a real god, Sempra-Tor, and reflect upon our lives. Then we awake as though we were just sleeping, taking the lessons learned by Sempra-Tor with us into the world. No matter how violently we are killed, we always wake up whole and healthy. We don't know why we were specifically chosen to live on forever, whenever we ask Sempra-Tor, the god says its reasons are far beyond our understanding. The year is 6320. Humanity has managed to restore Earth to be entirely sustainable, with out help of course. Earth is a paradise, always clean and safe. We remain unseen to the masses, but the governments of the world have just recently uncovered our society. While we have offered our assistance countless times through the ages, the leaders of the world see us as enemies. They try to wage covert wars against us and have failed every step of the way. Many of us have been captured but never held. They know we cannot be killed, so instead, they try to incapacitate us, to keep us out of the picture so they can progress on their own path. We cannot let them, for Sempra-Tor has warned us that more than just humanity would be destroyed if they do. We have been painted as enemies of mankind. So if that is what they wish us to be, that is what we will be. We are angels of Sempra-Tor, and we follow his command. He orders us to prevent humanity from expanding into the stars, and that if they do, we must annihilate them. We have superior knowledge, superior skills, divine equipment and magic. However, we are only few, we are all that remain of our society, the rest have been put into what we have come to call 'the Long Sleep' by humanity. We are all that stands in the way of preventing Sempra-Tor's grim prophecy from realizing itself.[/color][/center] [center][hider=Codex] [color=gray]All information on the world can be found here. As the story progresses, or as things that haven't been previously detailed arise, the codex will be expanded. If you ever have a question regarding something that isn't quite clear, feel free to ask the GM.[/color] [hider=The Immortals and the Illuminati][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JQTF2pwy6-4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAACg/rsO5Kr8NF3M/photo.jpg[/img] [color=gray]Immortals are individuals who have been granted the gift of eternal life by the god Sempra-Tor. Not all immortals have been around since the dawn of humanity, some have only been immortals for a couple of years and are still discovering their new gift. Immortals have enhanced characteristics such as strength, agility and a level of comprehension higher than normal human beings. Immortals can still die, but they simply wake up only two days later with their injuries (no matter how severe) completely healed. Immortals do have their flaws however. If they lose a limb, it will not come back until after they've been killed and have come back. Coming back to life after committing suicide does not restore lost limbs and organs as Sempra-Tor finds it as a way of cheating his system. While immortals can't die, they can be put into comatose, their body will naturally sustain itself while they remain in their deep sleep. While they sleep, they spend their time with Sempra-Tor in his world. Over the ages, immortals have banded together and formed the secret society known as the Illuminati. The public sees the Illuminati as nothing more than a myth and a conspiracy, but they are very real. The immortals have been involving themselves in nearly every major historical event. They are responsible for the creation of every wonder oft he world be it ancient or modern. In recent times, human governments have been fighting a covert war against the Illuminati and have been winning. They have learned that immortals can be put into a permanent comatose and have opted for that option than to kill them. The immortals number below fifty now, but they still serve their god Sempra-Tor and the operate the Illuminati through AI superintendents rather than other immortals. They have been commanded by Sempra-Tor in the year 2024 to prevent mankind from ever leaving Earth and expanding into the stars, believing that in doing so, they'd not only bring about the end to themselves, but to other species scattered throughout the galaxy. The Illuminati attacks the world's population as a way to protect them. They view a hundred or even a thousand lives as inconsequential compared to the fourteen billion that inhabit Earth on the land masses, below or under the sea, in the skies or under ground. When the Illuminati had more immortals than AI operating the organization, they were at the head of technological research. The Illuminati is more advanced than the rest of the world, though humanity isn't too far behind.[/color][/hider] [hider=Sempra-Tor and Gods][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6mKrUsk-U4s/VZffiPi2sUI/AAAAAAABJ0A/g4vD4NoGlDc/s1600/contact_by_abiogenisis-d8ntp3z.jpg[/img] [color=gray]In this setting, gods are very real, though they aren't what you might think. Most gods we have in our modern religion were actually just immortals who had ended up being revered in some way. Gods in actuality, are part of an ancient species that have managed to transcend reality with the combination of magic, technology and evolution over billions of years. Gods, otherwise known as the Tor, are the oldest species in the universe. They oversee and rule the universe with agents such as the immortals but rarely ever get directly involved in matters themselves. There are many gods, too many to count as they are an entire civilization in a completely different plane of existence. All gods are capable of the same feats, there is no patron god to any one factor such as a specific element or activity. Every god creates worlds and life to inhabit them. Their worlds between life and death are in reality a fourth dimension that the minds of other species aren't able to comprehend. Immortals come to this fourth dimension after 'dying' to speak with their god and to bring their lessons back to their world when they are brought back to life. Gods, with their hyper-advanced technology and magic, can delve into time itself and see into the future, or effect the past if they feel the need to. It is a rather frowned upon action among the Tor to change the past, as the consequences in the future could affect other worlds drastically, even if the action undertaken in the past was minor. Gods are immortal and their power is infinite, to challenge a Tor is to challenge the very fabric of the universe. The species name their young by the first race they create, followed by the name of their people, Tor. In the Tor language, a human is known as a Sempra. As such, the creator of Earth and the humans, is known as Sempra-Tor. Sempra-Tor is responsible for the creation of the Solar System, with humans as his design. Sempra-Tor's name literally translates to 'Human God'. [img]http://3219a2.medialib.glogster.com/kingukag3/media/42/4293871751962d84f4d7cba729f0d4aeb59b0486/judgment-night-angel-by-o85cur3d-d3jthat.jpg[/img] Since the formation of the Solar System, Sempra-Tor's territory has been invaded and conquered by many other species. Gods in nearby star systems, Arkan-Tor and Pithra-Tor, had designed their races as aggressive and imperialistic beings. Humans may not know it, but Sempra-Tor has protected his beloved Earth from direct invasions through cataclysms that have rendered Earth the last habitable planet for the Sempra. Over the years, the technology of far more advanced races had become age old wrecks on the Solar Systems planets. Humanity's drones sent to the barren worlds have long since detected them, but through the actions of Sempra-Tor's immortals, have not been able to reclaim them for humanity.[/color][/hider] [hider=Earth] [img]http://bulk2.destructoid.com/ul/user/9/93578-233940-DeusExHengShaCGIjpg-620x.jpg[/img] [color=gray]The human population is massive at fourteen billion people. Overpopulation had become a problem since humanity couldn't manage to get into space and colonize new worlds. Over the years, overpopulation has been dealt with by expansion in every direction. The majority of the planet is one massive urban environment, even ocean floors are home to humans. The cities of the old age are now slums, their architecture dating back to the 1900's. Thankfully, only the poorest of people live in these sectors. [img]http://img.ibxk.com.br/2014/05/02/02112631529031.jpg?w=794&h=529&mode=max[/img] Time and time again, the industrious humans have built massive platforms with cities on top of them. As these super-platforms became more common, they eventually began to join. Soon enough, the world was enveloped by a sphere. Oceans became massive water reserves for the first level. A second expansion came a few hundred years later, and the Upper Level ended up sandwiched between the dilapidated 'Core Level' and the rich environment of the 'Apex Level'. [img]http://beforeitsnews.com/mediadrop/uploads/2015/26/6a2a8464ba9d9598637f7d35e23b1101d526f654.jpg[/img] When building up was no longer an option, humanity began building into the Earth. The 'Mantle Level' was the new home for the poorest and seediest people on the planet. The Mantle Level never saw the light of the sun, blotted out by the granite ceiling and two platform superstructures. [img]http://hex19.com/storage/article-images/bungie-destiny-overgrown-2.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1354133809674[/img] When the Mantle Level had been completed, the Core Level was demolished so nature could retake the surface and thrive with the assistance of massive UV lights on the underside of the Upper Level. With cloning, many extinct species came back to life and thrived in the Core Level. Between the Mantle Level and the Upper and Apex Levels, the Core Level is now a global nature preserve. The entire level is overgrown, with only a few human settlements on it to maintain the delicate ecosystem. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7a/fa/2a/7afa2ae4444106bb7cbc82b57ccb45ec.jpg[/img] While the cities at the bottom of Earth's oceans are technically part of the Core Level. They have been unofficially branded as the 'Oceanic Level', a name widely used even by the people who live in such areas. Officials refer to these areas as Core Level areas because wildlife and nature dominates them and they are below the Upper Level and above the Mantle Level. Since the oceans double as the world's water supply, these oceanic cities have a very limited amount of industry in exchange for plenty of research and development facilities. Nevertheless, these cities are home to civilians as well.[/color][/hider] [hider=Humanity] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d7cacb17ea23d463334205525a5c567e/tumblr_ncqxlrPoUQ1tlen2lo2_500.png[/img] [color=gray]Humanity has come a long way over the years. In 6320, it isn't uncommon to see humans that are more machine than man. Cybernetic and biological augmentations are just as common as somebody who wears glasses. People are classified as humans so long as their is an organic brain. The rest can be completely cybernetic and they would be human. Some humans are willing to go the extra length and download their consciousness onto a micro-computer where their brains are replaced with processing units. These individuals are called ExHumans. Humans and ExHumans live comfortably among one another. There is no discrimination or prejudice between the two types and they all share the same rights and laws. [img]https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Environment/Pix/columnists/2012/3/14/1331728008227/Leo-blog--Xbox-game-Deus--006.jpg?w=620&q=85&auto=format&sharp=10&s=b7e0d8b273dc00b1c63c3d7fec3448d6[/img] With advanced technology, it is difficult to tell some ExHumans apart from their organic counterparts. This is because the cybernetic body could wrapped in synth-skin which simulates living tissue, or the cybernetic body is dotted with holo-projectors to give the appearance of flesh. Some people don't bother hiding their augmentations at all, the result is a sea of equal individuals where two people never look alike at any given time. [img]https://trojantopher.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/androids.jpg[/img] The vast differences in altitude and environment have shaped human evolution over the millennia. Humans born and raised on the Apex level are used to breathing in the thin atmosphere, they are often taller due to weaker gravity. Upper Level humans are mostly unchanged when viewed from an evolutionary standpoint. Core Level humans are naturally more muscular and thick skinned to handle the overgrown environments and aggressive wild animals. Oceanic Level humans are naturally better swimmers and have a far greater lung capacity. Mantle Level humans are better at seeing in the dark but are more sensitive to light.[/color][/hider] [hider=Technology] [hider=Robotics, AI, and Augmentations] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/110/640x1010_19032_Robot_smart_3d_sci_fi_robot_android_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [color=gray]Robots do the tasks that humans don't want to do. They perform menial jobs or dangerous ones. The complexity of a robot depends on the task it was designed to do. A coffee serving robot for example would just be a torso, so arms and a face for human interaction, mounted on a rail behind the counter. Some robots are more humanoid in appearance while others are completely unrecognizable. To tell the difference between a robot and an ExHuman, all robots have indicators on them to identify. Their serial numbers are in plain view and it is easy to tell what the robot is designed to do. A medical robot is designated as Me, followed by the first two characters of the word describing its task, nurse would be Nu. The robots workplace is then identified with the workplace ID. Then the Robot's specific unit number in that workplace. For example, the fifteenth medical nursing robot in hospital 44 would be designated as, Me:Nu-44/15. Administrators that oversee robots in their workplaces can then give them specific names to identify them further. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G1EDe5ge4Q4/VAWY8Qgl2wI/AAAAAAABIFY/d7Mtq-FnoRE/s1600/1409596168792_wps_19_29_Oct_2012_Artificial_in.jpg[/img] Artificial Intelligence, or AI, are virtual programs that can learn, develop character and interact naturally with others. AI are programmed with hard limits so they are safe to the populace. AI can be downloaded into robots so they can interact with objects in the real world. AI have different classes, each corresponding to their level of freedom. A Class 1 AI is more of a virtual interface than a true AI. Class 2 AI are the most basic form of a true artificial intelligence, they are cognitive but can't apply anything they learn into their own character. Class 2 AI speak in monotone. Class 3's are the most widespread AI in the world. They can develop their own character, function in a robot body and operate without much human direction. Class 4 AI are the highest grade AI available to the private sector, these AI emulate life quite well to the point where they understand expressions and metaphors. Class 5 AI are government tier only, they are hyper advanced and are capable of processing huge amounts of information instantly. The military uses Class 5 AI to great extent, sometimes even disabling their limits to perform combat actions. [img]http://media1.gameinformer.com/imagefeed/featured/square-enix/deus-ex/human-revolution/deusexpurityfirst610.jpg[/img] Augmentations come in two varieties. Cybernetic and Genetic/Biological. Cybernetic augmentations are pieces of non-organic hardware grafted, implanted, supplemented or injected into or onto the human body. Cybernetic augmentations include limb and organ prosthetics, virtual neural interfaces and nano-machines. These types of augmentations are incredibly common in the world to the point where nearly everybody has an augmentation of some sort, be it minor or major. Cybernetics come in many different shapes and sizes as different corporations have unique design philosophies. [img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20120411/abstract%20molecule%20dna%202560x1440%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperwa.com_39.jpg[/img] Genetic, also known as biological augmentations, are much rarer and far more expensive. These augmentations happen on the microscopic scale where DNA strands and cells are directly augmented. These augmentations are unique to humans with organic limbs and organs. Genetic augmentation can be performed at any point in a human's life, they could be in the womb during augmentation or fully grown. These augmentations can provide things like rapid muscle growth, heightened senses, skin pigment control and rapid healing.[/color][/hider][hider=Vehicles: Civilian and Military] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/108/1164x785_18673_Hover_bike_concept_2d_automotive_sci_fi_bike_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [color=gray]Vehicles vary in and around Earth. Wheeled vehicles are a more common sight on the Mantle Level while hovering vehicles become more and more common as the levels go up. Much like augmentations, vehicles come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the manufacturer's design philosophies. These vehicles can one to two person bikes or full family sized cars to large cargo haulers for long distance. Hovering and flying vehicles are very nimble and can turn on a dime, though their lightweight chassis often make them fragile so accidents are almost always more fatal. [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/1dd0/i/2008/201/2/1/hover_car_by_maks_23.jpg[/img] Cars can be automated or manually driven. Most vehicles come with an on board class 1 or class 2 AI to automatically take over such duties should the driver become distracted or fall asleep. Most vehicles are quiet and run off a self-renewable energy source. They are able to be highly customized and modified to fit the performance needs of the driver. Depending on the class of the on board AI, many performance tweaks can be made just by telling the AI what you want. Even a novice can tweak their cars since the AI come with a full holographic display and explanation of the systems they are handling. Flying cars are limited to an altitude of five hundred feet, any higher is illegal and that begins to infringe on aerospace, most AI in vehicles will automatically lock the vehicle at five hundred feet, and adjust to that altitude if they've gone higher. [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qmhALmbE-qg/ULVVWpCL0EI/AAAAAAAAKaI/JQNOTwLpxm4/s1600/contact___loader_mech_by_shimmering_sword-d33owld.jpg[/img] Crawlers are a form of Mech used in industrial areas. Crawlers are capable of lifting heavy loads, the tonnage depending on the type of crawler, and protect the operator adequately when working with hazardous materials. Crawlers feature on board class 1 AI units to assist the operator. Some crawlers are entirely robotic and don't need a human operator to function. Crawlers come in different formed, some use wheels or treads while others use legs. Legged crawlers all have a minimum of four legs but can be seen with up to six for optimal balance and stability. Crawlers are used in warehouses, manufacturing, construction and cargo loading. [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/a558/i/2012/221/e/b/the_future_abram_tank_by_superbomber5-d5afuaf.jpg[/img] Tanks are still in use by the military. Tanks can be outfitted with either treads or hover tech depending on the environment. Most tanks have a more low profile shape than in previous ages, able to maneuver quickly and present as small of a target as possible to the enemy. Most tank treads are separated into four sections so it can still operate when one tread gets destroyed. This also allows the treads to pivot vertically and offer the tank more height when needing to fire over obstacles. Some tanks are blended with Crawlers to allow the vehicle to traverse in its upright position over gaps and crevices in the ground. [img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Daniel_Graffenberger_12a.jpg[/img] Helicopters and gunships are also still a widely used vehicle in both civilian and military applications. Rotary helicopters are easier and cheaper to build than anti-grav helicopters. The use of helicopters haven't really changed over the millennia, they still transport, heavy lift and perform combat missions. The technology inside of them and the alloys that make them are entirely different. Anti-grav helicopters look similar to their rotary siblings except they don't have the large blades on top of them and at their tail. These helicopters are quiet, sleek and very fast. Anti-grav helicopters are unique to the government and its military, often used for quiet insertions and extractions. [img]http://proxy11.media.online.ua/uol/r3-dd802cd492/5250602978b90.jpg[/img] Supersonic aircraft are blindingly fast. In the private sector, these aircraft are used for passenger and cargo transportation. For the government and military, they maintain these roles as well, but also can be used for combat missions. Pilots of these craft aren't allowed to go below five hundred feet unless they are landing. Their speed and implications are what sets these apart from flying cars. [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/066/e/c/cgma_mecha_contest_entry_combat_mech__by_ianskie1-d5x8qb0.png[/img] Walkers are a type of mech and are exclusively bipedal. Walkers are military hardware only. When heavy armor and weapons are needed but the environment is too tight or too vertical for tanks, walkers are used. Where tanks require a crew, walkers are piloted by one to two individuals, accompanied by three or four different AI units to assist in the operation. Walkers are classed by sized. Ultra-Lights are roughly about twelve feet tall. Lights are up to twenty. Medium walkers can be up to twenty-five feet high. Heavy walkers go up to forty and ultra-heavies up to fifty feet tall. Walkers are commonly called 'tanks on legs' as they fill the same role as tanks, just used in different situations.[/color][/hider][hider=Weaponry] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4c/67/19/4c6719c18468be8c6c11831025ec494d.jpg[/img] [color=gray]Weapons have come a long way. While ballistic weapons function the same way they had when they were first invented, they have been improved upon time and time again. With all sorts of new armors and technologies, ballistic firearms needed to evolve as well. These weapons are no longer loaded with simple slugs. A small computer in the weapon identifies the target's protection and alters the properties of the bullet to bypass it. When the weapon is aimed at something with energy shields, the bullets take on an characteristic to neutralize the shields faster. Once the weapon's firing computer has detected no more shields, it then calculates the next layer of defense and modifies the bullets accordingly. While ballistic weapons are able to adequately handle all situations, their firing computers are easy to fool and it takes great practice to use the computer whilst leading the target. Newer developments have put uplinks in the helmets of operators to tell the computer what to alter by looking at the target rather than aiming, this process allows the ammunition to be ready for use sooner as the weapon is brought to bear. It also makes leading a target and altering the ammunition easier. The weapon propels the bullets through magnetic acceleration rather than gunpowder which classifies them, officially, as gauss weapons. They are loud unless suppressed but are difficult to trace back to the shooter unless tracer rounds are being used. [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/7406/th/pre/i/2014/044/c/6/sci_fi_weapons__sketches__by_noistromo-d769bwz.jpg[/img] Laser weaponry is the standard weaponry of all military and police forces. Laser are accurate, ammo efficient and easy to aim. Their is no travel time with laser weaponry so leading a target isn't needed. Laser weapons focus intense amount of light and heat onto a single point. The weapon uses batteries like ballistics use ammo magazines. The battery is drained at a moderate rate and a mainline laser rifle usually has about sixty charges before needing a new battery. Laser weapons are excellent at dispersing energy shields and causing dangerous burns to the target. Since so much heat is directed on a point, lasers instantly cauterize wounds so bleeding out isn't much of a concern. Laser weaponry is a sniper's preferred method, the instant shot and easy maintenance makes for a quick and easy kill. Lasers are relatively more quiet than ballistic weapons and plasma, but are much easier to trace back to the shooter. Armors with reflective or absorbing layers can render laser weapons ineffective. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/8c01/f/2010/039/1/5/guns_of_navarone_by_leinilyu.jpg[/img] Plasma weapons are dangerous to use for both the operator and the target, but the level of destruction they can cause is worth the risk. Similar to ballistic weapons, plasma weapons use magnetic acceleration to fire a projectile, a small canister in this category's case. Inside the canister is plasma. When the canister hits its target, it detonates and coats the victim in plasma, melting through armor and flesh with ease. The effect is lasting, as long as plasma is on the target, it will continue to burn until it neutralized. Plasma that lands on surfaces like walls or tank armor, will have the same effect. Simply put, whatever plasma touches, it destroys. Many a time has a plasma pistol managed to make a hole in a mech cockpit large enough for a trained sniper to take out the pilot. The danger for the operator is that the canisters are fragile, and breaking it open while handling it, could saturate the operator with plasma. If the weapon malfunctions or takes a stray hit, the ammunition inside can detonate in a violent spray of purple-blue light. Energy shielding neutralizes plasma very efficiently which renders the weapon virtually ineffective until the shields can be dropped. Canister magazines can only hold a small amount, so one clip of plasma yields few shots. A standard plasma pistol magazine carries five canisters where a plasma rifle might carry fifteen. The magnetic accelerators make the weapons loud and suppressors for plasma weapons are rare. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/93/53/a6/9353a6e964cbe7bd2c719c486409dfda.jpg[/img] For each type of weapon that exists, there is a much larger version of it. Heavy weapons take the design principles of ballistic, laser and plasma weapons and magnifies them to a terrifying degree. These weapons vary. Examples of ballistic weapons would be miniguns, rocket launchers or heavy gauss weapons. Examples of lasers would be heavy repeaters and armor lances. Examples of heavy plasma weaponry would be plasma mortars, plasma throwers and plasma cannons. 'Smaller' versions of heavy weapons can be carried with strain by infantry or carried comfortable by individuals wearing exo-skeletons. Ultra-light walkers and light walkers carry heavy weapons as if they were rifles. Walkers of higher class would treat smaller heavy weapons as coaxial guns or sidearms. Large heavy weapons would be primary weapons mounted on the shoulders of walkers or be two handed by them if they are equipped with arms. Tanks would have these large heavy weapons are their main weapon. [img]http://www.bussecollector.com/img/aa.jpg[/img] Close combat weapons widely unchanged as they are the most primitive form of weapon mankind has every developed. They still feature the same ideas and philosophies in their designs. Hammers, axes, blades and other such weapons are simple to use but difficult to master. Despite their primitive designs, companies still modernize them by changing the alloys they're made of. Monomolecular blades for example can cut on the molecular level but frequently need sharpening and maintenance. The amount of diversity with close combat weapons is staggering as every culture has their own forms to deal with the conditions they have faced over the ages.[/color][/hider][hider=Armor] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/ca3494e4f13c9e6ad8e39461727f7d24/tumblr_n2fw3zrqdt1r0rc61o1_500.jpg[/img] [color=gray]The relationship of arms and armor constantly develops in a leap frog fashion. First the weapons get better, so the armor follows behind to protect against the new weapons, then newer weapons come along to beat that armor and so forth. As weapons branched out from ballistics to energy based, armors needed to branch out as well to serve a wider purpose. The first of these armors are synth-suits, lightweight and durable, synth-suits allow for full freedom of movement. These suits are highly flexible and are able to withstand small caliber ballistics and laser weaponry quite well. They do not come equipped with shield generators as wearers often rely more on their full range of movement against heavier suits of armor. [img]http://cs624225.vk.me/v624225696/2f8b1/nWIJDaTl98g.jpg[/img] Synth-suits offer the basis of armor and can usually be worn under any other suit to maximize protection. Special units like elite Kill Teams wear a slightly more armored version of the synth-suit. Known as tactical armor, these suits are plated with steel alloys in vital areas that further increase defense against ballistic and laser weaponry. The steel plates are reflective to a certain degree which help deflect laser shots and are sturdy enough to handle a short volley of small caliber ballistics fire. Since these suits are used mostly for Kill Teams, they are equipped with optical camouflage modules which bend light make the operator nearly invisible. Since this module is equipped, the tactical suit also carries no shield generator. These suits can be fully sealed as well for use under water and in toxic environments. [img]http://cs623418.vk.me/v623418825/8897/4becSk4C9Bs.jpg[/img] After synth and tactical suits, real armors begin to take the stage. But even before them, comes the most important part to make them function. Exo-Skeletons are the, almost quite literally, the backbone of every piece of advanced armor. Without the exo-skeleton, the weight of the armor suits would be too much to be used effectively. The exo-skeleton is linked to the operators nervous system and becomes an extension to their own body. From there, the exo-skeleton will react instantly and hold nearly all of the weight so the operator feels next to no strain. The exo-skeleton can be operated without an armor layer over top of it for more industrial purposes or for speed and strength rather than armor. It's because of the exo-skeleton do heavy armors stand a chance against the constantly evolving weapons of 6320. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/51/c8/02/51c8024c830025153bc748c8b4e3ea72.jpg[/img] Battle Armor is a fully enclosed suit of armor featuring high protective capability, all round maneuverability, a shield generator and have room personal customization. Battle armor is the most standard armor type for military groups. The exo-skeleton in battle armors are usually compact to lower the overall size of the armor, but that depends on the manufacturer of the individual suit. Some battle armors feature the standard colors of whichever outfit they're a part of, while more advanced suits feature the D.C.S (Dynamic Camouflage System) which changes the color and texture of the armor to match its surroundings. Very advanced armors may even come with an on board AI, usually class 1 but class 2 AI aren't unseen in battle armors. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/galea/images/b/bd/Contact_power_armor_minigun_by_shimmering_sword-d2yjzsr.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/326?cb=20140710024325[/img] Powered Armors are the heaviest suits of armor available. These are the closest armors get before they are considered Ultra-Light Mechs. Powered armor is heavy, incredibly durable, and able to carry heavy weapons with ease. Powered armors not only feature heavy shields, capable of even protecting against light tank ammunition, but they also have reflective surfaces to fend off against lasers. Even the smart computers in ballistic weapons struggle with finding the right ammo alterations to penetrate powered armor. Some suits will also come equipped with a D.C.S and always have a class 2 AI on board. The exo-skeletons in these armors are industrial grade and can lift large objects with some strain on the operator. Powered armor suits are slow and easy to outmaneuver. Some manufacturers have begun putting small thrusters in the suits to allow for quick strafing and higher jumping for more agility on the field. Nevertheless, when you're in powered armor, you wont need speed. Leave that for the Ultra-Light Mechs. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/41/0f/84/410f8485d2ba1a7d1bc46e23167042c7.jpg[/img] With so many different varieties, armor can be as advanced or as primitive that money can afford. There is a suit of armor designed for nearly every scenario and there is a weapon to counter that armor. Some armors are considered to be weapons themselves if worn by the right individual. Exo-skeletons ease the load of the operator and advanced systems keep them out of harms way faster, or behind a thicker sheet of steel alloys.[/color][/hider][hider=Social Technology] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1VJdn4CcAAJUV9.jpg[/img] [color=gray]People become more and more connected to one another as technology progresses. Small cybernetic implants common to nearly the entire population allow for instant communication with one another, speaking to one another mentally rather than verbally if they so choose. These implants have replaced phones as they are far more private. These chips, known as Info-Links, manage the individual's day to day lives by handling messages, contact, schedules and finances. Info-Links have become the common person's lifeline. They are also quite secure, destroying data when the chip is removed. Still, skilled individuals are able to hack into these Info-Links and harvest the massive amounts of data unique to their single target. [img]http://switchandshift.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/future-found-transparent-org.jpeg[/img] Info-Links are also the gateway into the 'Terra-Net', a virtual world where digital version of the user are able to interact with others and the virtual environment. The terra-net is the modern realization of the internet from the past ages. The terra-net uploads and downloads data nearly instantly thanks to a core run by thousands of class 5 AI. There is no lag experienced in the terra-net and with sensory upgrades from more advanced Info-Links, the terra-net can become an entire new world where every human sense is active in the virtual space. People who spend more time in the terra-net rather than the real world are called 'netters' and they are often skinny and unhealthy in their real bodies. The terra-net is home to most games and other events, individuals will even have dates over the terra-net to experience things not physically possible in the reality. [img]http://cs616119.vk.me/v616119329/fe7/JQwqLxG6Hw8.jpg[/img] Bars and nightclubs are still frequented by people of all varieties. Holographic dancers and real ones provide entertainment while drinks and legal drugs are passed around. In these places, some of the shadiest deals can occur right under the noses of the inebriated patrons. Mercenaries, assassins and other private guns get most of their jobs from these places after making contact with the contractor on the terra-net. Most of these establishments are fronts for the black market and other illegal trades, there is always a contact somewhere in these places that allow you to reach further into a dark and lucrative world.[/color][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Magic] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/d40537054dbc3085c37f464f67b069f7/tumblr_inline_nlp22ohKCA1t5k5uu_500.png[/img] [color=gray]When Sempra-Tor designed humans, he tried to impart the gift of magic to them. Doing such a thing among the Tor is taboo and rather difficult, as it was a skill the Tor had developed over millions of years of evolution. When the god designed the Sempra, he used the cerebral cortex as the race's focus point. Unfortunately, magic was a property that was difficult to replicate by the Tor, it had to come naturally. The cerebral cortex wasn't a strong enough focus and humans could not perform magic like their creators. But, like anything in evolution, there are oddities that appear over time. The first human to ever wield magic effectively was a man known as Satan. Satan unlocked his hidden potential and quickly mastered the art of magic, all he needed to do was meditate in a magic circle engraved into the ground. Satan became drunk with his new powers and began to terrorize the ancient civilizations. [img]http://cs623230.vk.me/v623230853/3e5b4/3EK280wsrlI.jpg[/img] It was Satan's uprising that had forced Sempra-Tor's hand in selecting his immortals. Sempra-Tor had carefully watched humanity for three years, selecting individuals that showed certain traits needed to defeat Satan. He visited them in their dreams and spoke to them for the first time. Sempra-Tor explained that they had been chosen as his agents that would carry out his will throughout the ages. In this dream, which the Immortals call 'Enlightenment', Sempra-Tor taught them the methods Satan had used to access magic. He shared his knowledge and the immortals unlocked their magic potential. [img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0329/42/1403624048228.jpg[/img] Magic is generated by the power of the mind. All immortals are capable of the same types of magic. For an immortal to harness magic, they need to simply think about what they want and how they want to manipulate it. Fire can be created by a mere thought, objects can be lifted with the mind and materials can be transmuted to other, more brilliant, materials. Simply put, if the immortal can think it, they can do it. However, thinking and doing is easier said than done. The extent of how potent an immortal's magic is depends on their focus and mental capacity. Magic works much like a muscle, to get more powerful with it, one must use it more frequently. Meditating in a magic circle expands on their magical threshold, how much an immortal can wield at any given time, and actually using the magic makes it more powerful and effective. The Illuminati refers to immortals that prefer magic over weapons as Magi. [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0_et64T60lg/VWIg0FcMmpI/AAAAAAAAAF8/4fzN6dEvp2I/w426-h561/15%2B-%2B1[/img] Magi spend a large amount of time meditating in magic circles, resulting in them being able to wield incredible amounts of magic whenever they please. Magi train themselves to be able to wield more than one type of magic at a time or in more than one place, or both. They are far more intelligent than other immortals and share their knowledge with others to further expand on the Illuminati's grasp of magic. Magi tend to find themselves killed more frequently than others, but they don't find their deaths to be disadvantageous because they can spend time with Sempra-Tor and harness their power more. When a magus is resurrected, the are often more powerful than before. Magi are the deadliest of the immortals, not only because of their magical prowess but also because they are just as talented in the physical arts of fighting as well. Their superior intellect, magical strength, martial ability and discipline makes magi feared even among other immortals. Magi explore the more creative facets of magic, thinking outside of the box in terms with most techniques; why use ice to just throw shard? Why not use it freeze the water composing the human body? Questions like this come about during meditation and is what expands on the magi's abilities. [img]http://download-photos-images-pic.bdr1.net/1/6168.jpg[/img] Magic is dangerous to the wielder as well. One needs to be very specific in their thoughts or it can all go wrong in an instant. If the wielder wants fire, they should will it in their hands or on something they want in flames. If they simply will for fire, the chance is very high that they will simply burst into flames. Magi take great care in the specifics of magic, though even they aren't immune to backlash. Magical backlash has even happened to people who can't harness magic, as thinking of something too great in detail will be enough to channel magical energies into reality. Sometimes, facing off against another magical opponent can lead to devastating amounts of backlash. Magi don't fret when they are killed by backlash, though most other immortals do, they see it as yet another opportunity to learn from Sempra-Tor and master their art more. [img]http://img1.goodfon.su/wallpaper/big/b/bc/sith-meditation-star-wars-art.jpg[/img] While all immortals can wield all types of magic, depending on their discipline with the art, some magi dedicate themselves to specific uses of the arcane. A magi might dedicate himself solely to fire, mastering its uses and finding new creative ways to wield the flame. Magi who master a specific property of magic then pass their findings onto lesser magi to improve upon the Illuminati's talent as a whole. Some masters will work together in the same dedication to yield more spectacular results. Masters are, essentially, scientists in the field of magic. [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MKISX4ZRhT0/VYhXCx2uOTI/AAAAAAAAAN8/byKj_ebF2oE/s630-fcrop64=1,00670000fe62ffff/233881.jpg[/img] Some examples of magic would be: Controlling elements Summoning effigies and apparitions of the mind Teleportation Flight Telekinesis Telepathy Shielding Invisibility Technopathy, being able to manipulate technology with the mind. Portals Light manipulation Sensory manipulation Weather control Foresight, though looking into the future can easily induce madness even to the most disciplined magus. In short, there is no real limit to what magic can accomplish. Magic is one of the factors the Tor used to create life and worlds. The only real limit, is the limit established by the mind. Creativity is greatest trait among magi and the deadliest.[/color][/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Rules] [color=gray]- All standard RPG rules apply. For those that don't know them or if you need a refresher, they are: No godmodding No metagaming Be respectful at all times Notify the group of upcoming absences - You CAN die in this RP. It is possible. But, given the setting of this RP, it isn't permanent. Death comes with time in Sempra-Tor's world. You will come back to life when the GM or Co-GM advances time by two days. Every chapter is in two day increments, if you die in one chapter, you are back for the next. Deaths can change aspects to your character, such as regenerating a lost limb where it it was covered in tattoos before and it plain after. - The word of the GM and Co-GM is law. But! Like any good law system, we aren't above it. If we are hypocritical and go against our own rules, call us on it. - While it is possible, using magic to inflict instant death (in most forms) on an opponent is not allowed. It simply makes things too easy. Sure, magic can be used to one-shot something, but don't use it in the way of 'He wills him to die'. Be creative and detailed with the use of magic in this form. - The GM and Co-GM can force magical backlash if something is over the top. If the above rule is broken too many times, your immortality may be stripped from you and you will be ejected from the RP. - Have fun, that is the point to RPing after all.[/color][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Character Creation] [color=gray]"Greetings, immortal. I am the Illuminati's new AI superintendent, Sigil. I oversee and collect data for the Illuminati so that you don't need to busy yourself with trivial tasks. I haven't recognized you in my database so I must ask you a few questions before you can return to the world. It shouldn't take too long, unless you decide to give me your millennia long history. Worry not! I am a patient AI, and I will pretend to listen to you while you ramble on for hours. Now without further ado, let's begin." [color=white]Erase Sigil's quotes and replace it with information of your character. Note that sections with an * next to them can be changed during the RP when the time is right. This could be when your immortal earns a new scar or changes his/her name. Be sure to notify the group in the OOC section of the changes if any are made. When a character loses a body part, it does not regenerate until after the character has been killed and comes back 48 hours later. Augmentations, such as a new arm for example, will remain so long as it wasn't lost at the point of the character's death. If it is, a new, real, part will replace it.[/color] [color=white][u][b]Identity Profile[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]Birth Name:[/b][/color] "You immortals seem to enjoy your names, but for clarity's sake I need to know your first name." [color=white][b]*Current Name:[/b][/color] "Since you enjoy changing your name roughly about every human life cycle or whenever you die, tell me your current name, please. This can be changed whenever you see fit, immortal. But don't make it a habit! I might be able to process information equivalent to the entire human population combined, but it's irritating!" [color=white][b]*Alias:[/b][/color] "I understand names can't be said when you immortals are on assignments. What do you call yourself during such times?" [color=white][b]Gender:[/b][/color] "By looking at you, I can see that your sex is- Error: UNDEFINABLE! Care to correct me, immortal?" [color=white][b]Birth Place/Age:[/b][/color] "Were you born in Ancient Egypt, immortal? No? Mesopotamia? Later? Nazi Germany? Tell me now!" [color=white][u][b]Physical Profile[/b][/u][/color] [Picture ID Here] [color=white][b]Height:[/b][/color] "This should be straight forward, immortal." [color=white][b]*Weight:[/b][/color] "As should this." [color=white][b]*Hair Color:[/b][/color] "And this." [color=white][b]*Eye Color:[/b][/color] "And this..." [color=white][b]Skin Color:[/b][/color] "... And this..." [color=white][b]*Physical Build:[/b][/color] "Ah! This is something I should know. I don't know what you look like underneath those saggy clothes of yours! Part of me wonders why I was programmed to care about that..." [color=white][b]*Tattoos:[/b][/color] "Have you defiled your body recently, immortal? Feel free to, if you get your arm blown off, the tattoo wont be on the new one!" [color=white][b]*Scars:[/b][/color] "Has anybody else defiled your body? I hope not. But I suppose such things are unavoidable when you're thousands of years old." [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] "Did I miss anything, immortal?" [color=white][u][b]Psychological Profile[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]Positive Qualities:[/b][/color] "Tell me about yourself, immortal. What are you good at. Don't lie! Otherwise I'd need to put 'dishonest' in your negative qualities section." [color=white][b]Negative Qualities:[/b][/color] "Speaking of which! Let me know your dirty secrets, immortal! I need to know. But don't worry, this is mostly confidential information. Unless I'm simply asked of course..." [color=white][b]*Likes:[/b][/color] "What pleases you in this life? If it's flowers, I can arrange for a bouquet at your doorstep." [color=white][b]*Dislikes:[/b][/color] "Tell me what you hate so I can exploit you. That was a joke, immortal, do not panic. Mice are quite harmless." [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] "Did I miss anything, immortal?" [color=white][u][b]Requisition[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]*Weapons:[/b][/color] "What sort of weaponry must I have ready for your use, immortal? You can't fight a war without something to maim your enemies with." [color=white][b]*Armor:[/b][/color] "On the other hand! You need armor so you aren't maimed whilst arguing with another immortal!" [color=white][b]*Transportation:[/b][/color] "If you need a vehicle, immortal, just let me know. I can get you anything. But if you are snappy about it, I'll be sure to send you a taxi instead." [color=white][b]*Devices & Tools:[/b][/color] "Are there any small electronics or tools needed, immortal? I prefer the crowbar." [color=white][b]*Supplies:[/b][/color] "You may be immortal but being shot must still hurt. I'd recommend painkillers or a med-kit for when something goes wrong. What else do you need?" [color=white][b]*Augmentations:[/b][/color] "Do you have any? Do you need any? I can arrange that. Augmentations are expensive though, so only get these if you've lost an arm or a leg recently. And when you have them, try not to get [i]them[/i] blown up too!" [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] "Did I miss anything, immortal?"[/color] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Known NPC's] In this section, you can access the character profiles for the NPC's known to the group. NPC's are characters that the GM and Co-GM will use to progress the story and keep the plot moving for the players. [hider=Sel'ket; Shae Arca; Scarab][color=gray][color=white][u][b]Identity Profile[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]Birth Name:[/b][/color] Sel'ket Khalid [color=white][b]*Current Name:[/b][/color] Shae Arca [color=white][b]*Alias:[/b][/color] Scarab [color=white][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=white][b]Birth Place/Age:[/b][/color] Egypt, Early Roman Era; Giza [color=white][u][b]Physical Profile[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Picture ID][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/7d/ea/f47deaac044b0a98f602aa89b1cd9231.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=white][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5' 10" [color=white][b]*Weight:[/b][/color] 124 lbs. [color=white][b]*Hair Color:[/b][/color] Platinum Blonde [color=white][b]*Eye Color:[/b][/color] Sky Blue [color=white][b]Skin Color:[/b][/color] Pallid White [color=white][b]*Physical Build:[/b][/color] Slim and tall, Sel'ket has an athletic build that can definitely be seen in her abs and shoulders. [color=white][b]*Tattoos:[/b][/color] Sel'ket has half of a tattoo that ends at her right elbow, the remainder of a long sleeve that was ruined when she had once lost her arm in a firefight. Sel'ket also has a blue and gold scarab tattooed around her navel. [color=white][b]*Scars:[/b][/color] A scar ringed around right elbow where the tattoo ends, evidence that her lost arm healed before she died and was given a new one. [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] N/A [color=white][u][b]Psychological Profile[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]Positive Qualities:[/b][/color] Quick thinking, team-oriented, motivating presence, brave, selfless, techno-savvy, reliable. [color=white][b]Negative Qualities:[/b][/color] Fiery attitude, can rush into a predicament, proud, over-thinking or under-thinking (depending on the context of the situation). [color=white][b]*Likes:[/b][/color] Piloting and driving, tweaking her equipment, sparring, sharing her knowledge to other immortals, good humor, go-getters. [color=white][b]*Dislikes:[/b][/color] Dying, arguing, taking the credit of others, people touching her stuff, cheesy one-liners (they're unbearable to her, but it's become something she is constantly teased with), procrastination. [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] N/A [color=white][u][b]Requisition[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]*Weapons:[/b][/color] Two [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/xenonauts/images/f/f4/Plasmapistol.png/revision/latest?cb=20121227163307]PXP-22 Plasma Pistols[/url] Sel'ket keeps two plasma pistols with her for ranged encounters. They are accurate and most powerful up to one hundred feet. Any longer and Sel'ket would rather use her magic. [url=http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p179/ChishioAme/Swordstaff.png]Glaive[/url] For melee encounters, Sel'ket uses a glaive. It may look like a simple bladed weapon that isn't very practical when opponents are in powered armor, but Sel'ket edges the blade with magic to cut through even the sturdiest armors that she is faced with. She had made an agreement with Sempra-Tor that the glaive remain in his world, and that he summons it to her via magic when she needs it. The summoning is near instant, so Sel'ket can call upon her glaive at any moment. [color=white][b]*Armor:[/b][/color] [hider=Armor Appearance][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/f9NZe-dVtgoYCE72W0FKzIVXS17bru5QbsIs_lbw9U4Wd8_lWANUWVaoqWps-uvlpx1tM9M7pvMCAkI1vVx_d3SWQZfHAYEGWX8PhQYx0aF6qmVfL__cZD1IUa5-ItQHlEV-MZGI9KjYdy-_ydyJprmrXu-OGhOICKQKQQDOMtncAdJMs_I5M_AdeiDSRf4vR03HDvwSCnZ7jaO8zH7JnlsKX-3UbyLs1c7gV4fn4CaoGhDm6Lna3FsxzO2cHXEx4r-Rd3lRTbRNL2kAlPCDN_IKmYs99x5RP0BAjI4hOhxvL-JzNHS8F9T_ZoOukdGag0Ko1PV_hVtrS1TbIjucn7RNMvrZXqCXMpY0rwpBVuLjMR5bD9WneCTdV20p6OMcfA0BKIMNOR2CoS-FLEuToKGBXK-_qmAfBY0k99UoBJRA68wXxOu6bBWRDz-1xQi0cEmWWM3MpROdXzNKaKgwUqhh_J4kJXvI49X3zvu2JzO6GbV4hMs44ieqmMwwWNGKkaatirqjwTJEXxuxGx08DA=w375-h881-no[/img][/hider] Sel'ket's battle armor is a culmination of tradition and technology. The dense and reflective ferro-steel plates protect vell against ballistic and laser weaponry while the small shield generator can withstand a small barrage from plasma. If her shields are taken down, however, then her armor is quite susceptible to plasma damage, as most armors are. [color=white][b]*Transportation:[/b][/color] Sel'ket doesn't keep any form of transportation she is given. It's not that she doesn't want them, it's just that she often gets them destroyed before she can get comfortable. When she does request transportation, Sel'ket prefers either a VTOL or a hover-car. For combat scenarios that require something big, Sel'ket enjoys using [url=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptrobots/2012/jake_parker/jake_parker_01.jpg]walkers[/url]. [color=white][b]*Devices & Tools:[/b][/color] Sel'ket keeps automated hacking devices on her so she doesn't need to worry herself with messing up. A small belt-clipped plasma cutter is often taken with her as well. [color=white][b]*Supplies:[/b][/color] Sel'ket requests supplies as they're needed, she never finds the proper time to use something she gets ahead of time. [color=white][b]*Augmentations:[/b][/color] None at the moment, but that is bound to change as Sel'ket often runs straight at things with big guns. [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] N/A[/color][/hider] [hider=Vincent Toth; Corners][color=gray][color=white][u][b]Identity Profile[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]Birth Name:[/b][/color] Vincent Toth [color=white][b]*Current Name:[/b][/color] Vincent Toth [color=white][b]*Alias:[/b][/color] Corners [color=white][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=white][b]Birth Place/Age:[/b][/color] Upper Level / 29 years old [color=white][u][b]Physical Profile[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Picture ID][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c0/95/ad/c095ad1f269a1af9d415259993635dba.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=white][b]Height:[/b][/color] 6' 2" [color=white][b]*Weight:[/b][/color] 223 lbs. [color=white][b]*Hair Color:[/b][/color] Brown [color=white][b]*Eye Color:[/b][/color] Green [color=white][b]Skin Color:[/b][/color] Tanned White [color=white][b]*Physical Build:[/b][/color] Lean and muscular. Vincent has the physical form of a career soldier. [color=white][b]*Tattoos:[/b][/color] N/A [color=white][b]*Scars:[/b][/color] A long scar running down his spine. A few bullet scars pockmark his body. [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] N/A [color=white][u][b]Psychological Profile[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]Positive Qualities:[/b][/color] Gets the job done, cool under pressure, punctual, well-Rounded. [color=white][b]Negative Qualities:[/b][/color] Lacks a great sense of humor, ends up doing the jobs nobody wants to do, quiet, doesn't check his corners very often. [color=white][b]*Likes:[/b][/color] Powered armor, coming home alive, Kill Team Two-Six, flying. [color=white][b]*Dislikes:[/b][/color] Doing the job nobody else wants to do, his nickname, not being trusted. [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] N/A [color=white][u][b]Requisition[/b][/u][/color] [color=white][b]*Weapons:[/b][/color] Vincent keeps a ballistic assault rifle as his weapon of choice. He adds and removes attachments as the mission sees fit. When things are more close quarters, Vincent will opt out for an SMG. He also carries a high power laser pistol as a side arm as well as a standard issue knife. [color=white][b]*Armor:[/b][/color] Vincent wears the same tactical suit and armor as any other kill team operative. It is equipped with DCS and every other feature an advanced black operative would need on the field. [color=white][b]*Transportation:[/b][/color] On the job, Vincent relies on the dropships and other vehicles that come with the occupation. He is one of two members of Two-Six capable of operating Powered Armor. For personal use, Vincent enjoys a hover bike that he has customized for high speed racing during his time off. [color=white][b]*Devices & Tools:[/b][/color] Vincent is Kill-Team Two-Six's general purpose operative. He can fill any role the team needs, though not at the same capacity as any of his more specialized comrades. As such, he doesn't carry any special devices worth mentioning on his person, the team does that for him. He just needs to be ready to use that equipment should the responsibility fall on him. [color=white][b]*Supplies:[/b][/color] Like every other kill team operative, Vincent carries a personal medi-kit with him and his own rations. He carries the amount of ammunition that is appropriate for what the task at hand calls for. Vincent liked to keep light, taking with him only the stuff that is absolutely essential. [color=white][b]*Augmentations:[/b][/color] N/A [color=white][b]*Other:[/b][/color] N/A[/color][/hider] [/hider][/center] [hider=Changelog] 09/07/2015 - OOC Launched - 'The Immortals and the Illuminati' Codex entry added 09/08/2015 - 'Sempra-Tor and Gods' Codex entry added - 'Known NPC's' section added - Current year raised from 3320 to 6320 - 'Earth' Codex entry added - 'Humanity' Codex entry added 09/09/2015 - 'Robotics, AI, and Augmentations' sub-section added to the 'Technology' Codex entry - 'Vehicles: Civilian and Military' sub-section added to the 'Technology' Codex entry 09/10/2015 - 'Weaponry' sub-section added to the 'Technology' Codex entry - 'Armor' sub-section added to the 'Technology' Codex entry 09/12/2015 - 'Social Technology' sub-section added to the 'Technology' Codex entry - 'Magic' Codex entry added - Two new rules pertaining to magic have been added 09/18/2015 - IC Launched 10/04/2015 - Vincent Toth added to the 'Known NPC's' section[/hider]