[b]Army of the Brotherhood of Makuta[/b] [img]http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/4/4d/Comic_BoM_Army.png[/img] The Brotherhood of Makuta rarely engaged in open combat, prefering diplomacy and scheming. They did, however, have a standing military, and used it on many occasions. Fortresses dotted the Matoran universe, set up by the Brotherhood for future use. [hider=Army] [b]Visorak[/b] - [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/6/6a/Visorak.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060128164607[/img] Visorak are intelligent species of Rahi, known for their spiderlike appearance and ability to spin webs. The Visorak often fill the ranks of officers and even foot soldiers. The Visorak are known an feared for their mutagenic venom, which is capable of turning those affected by it into violent, savage shells of themselves. Visorak make up the majority of the brotherhood's army, as they are intelligent enough to take care of themselves, without the need of mind control. [b]Rahkshi[/b] - [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/a/af/Rahkshi-0.png/revision/latest?cb=20141203022159[/img] Rahkshi are an evolved form of the Kraata that Makuta are able to produce. Each of them is able to use one of the 42 Kraata powers, and amplify it over a long distance using their staff like tools. Rakshi are very agressive, yet are tempered and obediant enough to serve as the Makuta's special forces. [b]Muaka[/b]- [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/2/29/Muaka.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20080731000957&path-prefix=es[/img] Muaka are very large tiger like rahi that stalk their prey in methods similiar to our big cats. Despite their large size, Muaka are very quiet when stalking prey, often showing up out of nowhere to crush their victims alive in their large jaws. A single Muaka is about the size of a hippopotamus, but much more durable, and equipped with an extendable neck and a jaw capable of crushing solid metal. [b]Tarakava[/b]- [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/6/6f/Tarakava.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061015190634[/img] Tarakava are large amphibious Rahi capable of delivering hard punches that can bust through solid stone walls. They are about 7-8 ft tall, and rather fast on both land and water [b]Nui Rama[/b]- [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/cd93/i/2012/094/a/3/nui_rama_by_superleres-d4uye2o.png[/img] Nui Rama are large wasp like Rahi. They are capable of being ridden, and also have the strength to abduct a full sized adult and carry them long distances. [b]Nui Jaga[/b] - [img]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/22/21528/Nui-Jaga_4.jpg[/img] Nui Jaga are large scorpion like Rahi, equiped with powerful stings, deadly venom and powerful claws. Their venom is able to be shot from their tails, and is able to blind those who it hits. Nui Jaga venom causes a horrible sickness that can debilitate those affected by it for months, bordering on life and death. [b]Manas[/b] - [img]http://www.rusbionicle.com/images/stories/main_images/ManasMNOG.jpg[/img] The word Manas means "monster" in the Matoran language, and was first given to them by the Makuta, who observed wild Manas killing and cannibalizing each other. Manas are totally unpredictable, and very powerful, capable of overpowering a full toa team in their swarms. Most are kept under control using heat generators in cave enviroments. The are a danger even to their Makuta masters, and require constant mind control. [b]Exo Toa[/b] - [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bzpowercircle/images/c/ce/Exo-Toa.png/revision/latest?cb=20090823232623[/img] Exo Toa are powered suits of armor that can be controlled remotely by a Makuta. They are towering mechs often used to fill in an advancing army with more bulk. [b]Toa Hagah[/b]- [img]http://biosector01.com/wiki/images/3/3a/Comic_Toa_Hagah_Norik_and_Iruini.png[/img] Toa Hagah are the personal bodyguards of each Makuta. They work in teams of 6, each controlling a different element. Their weapons, while seemingly melee tools, double as focusing agents for using their elemental powers over long distances. Toa are also capable of combining their powers, and even their bodies into more powerful beings known as toa kaita. [/hider]