[@KatherinWinter] Deus landed on the computer in an elegant face-first fashion. Without caring too much about the hit, he grabbed the map and concentrated the best he could. He had to be quick, for he most likely wouldn't be able to do this for long. He first targeted the points with a fainter signature; they were most likely very important, though he couldn't really tell why they would be encrypted into a guards device. He most likely wouldn't transfer them through completely, but he could triangulate their position later or something. He then saved as many of the others as he could, not caring about what they were, how many he got through, or how many he missed. Until, suddenly, he stopped. Stewart had completely got him now. [color=00a99d]"Press the button on the screen and inform me when we get in the guard's field of view "[/color] he commanded the girl, calmly and exhausted.