[hider=Skall the Nordic Immortal] [color=red][center]"Sometimes the world doesn't need a hero. Sometimes, it needs a monster."[/center][/color] [color=salmon]Identity Profile Birth Name:[/color] [color=burlywood]"I was originally a Nordic man, Skall of House Ironsblood."[/color] [color=salmon]*Current Name:[/color] [color=burlywood]"I currently call myself Darius Johnston, Intend."[/color] [color=salmon]*Alias:[/color] [color=burlywood]"I answer to Odin, for sentimental reasons."[/color] [color=salmon]Gender:[/color] [color=burlywood]"I am male, Intend. Surely you have my blood samples, and had already known?"[/color] [color=salmon]Birth Place/Age:[/color] [color=burlywood]"I was born in the Nordic countries, now Sweden and Finland or one of those. When I was born, names did not matter. Neither did accurate maps, it seems... I was born over in the former Viking homeland, and I've no wish to learn anything more specific than that. Leave me be, already! Damned AIs..."[/color] [hider=Physical Profile] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/7b0e/f/2010/112/6/8/character_concept___02_by_randis.jpg[/img] [color=salmon]Height:[/color] [color=burlywood]6' 2"[/color] [color=salmon]*Weight:[/color] [color=burlywood]243 lbs.[/color] [color=salmon]*Hair Color:[/color] [color=burlywood]"Dirty brown, looks like." [/color] [color=salmon]*Eye Color:[/color] [color=burlywood]"A piercing, clear blue. Or so I've been told."[/color] [color=salmon]Skin Color:[/color] [color=burlywood]"A naturally tanned-looking skin, a mark of my heritage, and of centuries spent outside."[/color] [color=salmon]*Physical Build:[/color] [color=burlywood]I am not a subtle man- broad shouldered and strong, but not a massive type. Large, but there are most certainly larger, and I look more narrow than I am because of my impressive height."[/color] [color=salmon]*Tattoos:[/color] [color=burlywood]"Oh yes, indeed. My back has the symbol of my clan, and various other symbols and lines that focus my energy. Watch what you say, Intend, we are still in power here. My back is covered, as are my arms and legs; they all work to focus my life energy, draw more from the surrounding world. Say what you will of my beliefs, but say it when I cannot hear. My tatts connect me to my people, through the spirit world. And yes, I am well aware that I talk to God regularly."[/color] [color=salmon]*Scars:[/color] [color=burlywood]He currently has only one scar- had it been any deeper, it would've split his cheek open. It runs down an inch from his ear, down his cheek to his chin, stopping an inch short, under the edge of his lip.[/color] [color=salmon]*Other:[/color] [color=burlywood]Nay.[/color][/hider] [hider=Psychological Profile] [color=salmon]Positive Qualities:[/color] [color=burlywood]He's the less subtle side of deadly. Heavy weapons, longer ranged weapons, assault rifles, carbines, high explosive weapons, most aircraft, most vehicles, a master at armored suits and the like, fairly good at hacking, a born mechanic (once it was relevant, anyhow), very good at improvising, also very good at making people angry, and also very good at calming people down [when he's in the mood]. A common response to his 'look'- the one he gets when he starts improvising- is "Oh Sempra Tor help me." Also is skilled at larger weapons, such as greatswords, broadswords, warhammers, etc., though he seems to favor dual [i]kopesh[/i]es, from Ancient Egypt. Absolutely adores cooking nowadays. He has his own secret kitchen that has foods and spices and ingredients from all over the world.[/color] [color=salmon]Negative Qualities:[/color] [color=burlywood]Doesn't like being sneaky-beaky (though he can manage well enough), itches for a fight ("Nordic blood. Get over it."), doesn't often take kind to delays, setbacks, or being held back. Patience is not this man's virtue, either, though he can calmed down by a few certain other immortals. Does not see the other immortals as allies, always- he sees them just as much as his brothers and sisters, as he does see them as his rivals. Can't [or won't] fit into small spaces, is claustrophobic (including battle suits- he has to pant a bit and get himself under control first), really really really doesn't like politicians. Hates them. If he had his way, he'd just kill all the politicians of the world, and then kill all the great leaders, and put the Illuminati on top to keep the humans from expanding.[/color] [color=salmon]*Likes:[/color] [color=burlywood]Loves his meats, loves his spices, loves his explosions. Think of Haggard from Battlefield: Bad Company. And, uh, yes, he actually does enjoy flowers, and sunsets, and other very pretty things. He'll say so, as well, if he sees it. Also enjoys a good debate about weapons and such. Loves the cold- sort of part of his heritage- and fighting, and he'll happily get into a snowball fight. Absolutely hates the vacuum, though. He can't handle space very well, though he'll do it if he's required. [/color] [color=salmon]*Dislikes:[/color] [color=burlywood]Things being overly warm or hot, ugly things, impractical things, stupid people, regular people's willingness to plod on like sheep, really hates sheep (though he loves the taste), hates swamps, hates not being able to be in control, hates being helpless, hates being ignored, hates it when technology doesn't work properly (he's been known to smash things), also hates the AI for continuing with all these damn questions.[/color] [color=salmon]*Other:[/color] [color=burlywood]The AIs are advanced- and they try to tippy toe (except for the roster-keeping AI) around Skall, since has a tendency to break into and destroy AI cores that house an AI that's snippy, snappy, and accusing of him. He doesn't take kindly to non-humans criticizing him. Except for Shockwave, who has a backstory.[/color][/hider] [hider=Requisition] [color=salmon]*Weapons:[/color] [color=burlywood]Usually carries two modern [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/034/0/7291483/il_570xN.524549570_hrsy.jpg]kopeshes[/url], designed to have their blades whip out when he draws them [to conserve space]. Energy-blades, where the edge of the blade is powered to act somewhat similar to a light saber [in terms of cutting things, not bouncing lasers off of it], with a monomolecular blade in the first place. Also carries a MP47, which is essentially a light SMG that he uses in place of a handgun, on his right hip, while his left hip has an actual handgun, a .40-caliber type, and usually is armed with a [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/section8/images/4/41/Gauss_Rifle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090327235859]heavier gauss rifle- infantry-type-[/url] and an [url=https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/assets/286183/ChainSAW.jpg]MG7 infantry support weapon[/url]. When he's going into close combat, he often replaces his handgun with a 'foldable' shotgun, which has three parts: a stock, a firing mechanism/trigger/pistol grip, and then a barrel with its pump. They fold up to be a third of its size, though three times as wide, and can only be fired when the barrel is snapped into place. [/color] [color=salmon]*Armor:[/color] [color=burlywood]He wears it all the time. Modern Medium Tactical Combat Exoskeleton, Shield-Focused. The MMTCES-SF-44 is a class of armor that is similar to light armor, in terms of hard, solid, physical armor, but is similar to heavy armor, because it has heavy shields. Tactical Exoskeletons are equipped with strength-enhancing and agility-enhancing motors, designed to assist a soldier to do everything from climb a five-story build, to tear the hatch off the top of a tank to drop a grenade in. Combined with an immortal's already substantial increase in agility and strength, the exoskeleton makes him practically superhuman.[/color][center] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/a357/f/2013/298/4/7/unsc_army_soldier_by_lordhayabusa357-d6rq6km.png[/img] [/center] [color=salmon]*Transportation:[/color] [color=burlywood]He keeps a variety of vehicles in the hangar that he has [s]stolen[/s] borrowed over the years, ranging from a "Carry-all"-class quadengine aircraft, designed to carry anything from a jeep to a tank to a transport-ready smaller aircraft. Lightly armored, but it uses shields to protect itself, originally light, but beefed up by Darius/Skall. In addition to his Carry-all, he has a smaller support aircraft- a twin-engine VTOL vehicle that's armed with, primarily, three 37mm cannons firing anti-aircraft rounds (can be alternatively switched out to carry anti-tank rounds). After that, there's a recon vehicle that is not dissimilar to Halo's Warthog, and several ultralights (hover bikes, essentially). He also has a tank- old-fashioned, with a very modern 105mm high-velocity cannon, with a secondary 56mm high-velocity cannon, and several AI-controlled gun turrets, plus two coaxial guns. Armed with a salvo of anti-air missiles, just in case. Traditional, in that it uses tracks (though it's still quite fast), and hard ammunition. But nothing has more stopping power than a 105mm sniper rifle, no? He's been saving these things up for a while, now, either buying them, stealing them, or getting them from contacts. He can usually replace them fairly quickly (for an immortal).[/color] [color=salmon]*Devices & Tools:[/color] [color=burlywood]Has several boxes that can be airdropped, with the same kit inside. Everything from a basic wrench kit to extra bolts, portable laser cutters and arc welders, a compact foldable exosuit that has a large power pack and a great deal of integrated tools, and more. Everything that'd be needed for an in-field repair.[/color] [color=salmon]*Supplies:[/color] [color=burlywood]Also has several boxes that can be airdropped, with the varying kits. Inside is enough medkits, special medical supplies, extra gauze, painkillers. There are several of these medical drops. Next to that, there is ammunition drops- only one or two weapons for each of the substantial amounts of ammunition, designed for resupply rather than a total rearm and getting a new loadout. Next to that is the rearm boxes, which have everything from grenades, rifles, and handguns to grenade launchers, anti-material rifles, and machine guns. Every box has a substantial supply of cyanide pills- if he finds himself captured, he suicides.[/color] [color=salmon]*Augmentations:[/color] [color=burlywood]Got his eye stabbed once last year. Got both eyes replaced with mechanical ones, so now his very human-appearing eyes glow like in The Terminator. His eyes also explode if he doesn't give them a mental command every 24hours. That way, if he's captured and can't get a pull, his face will explode and he'll die, escaping capture. It's happened several times already, and he has successfully escaped capture. It's definitely a last-stand thing.[/color] [color=salmon]*Other:[/color] [color=burlywood]Haaaaaiiiiill yeah! I want donuts. :c[/color][/hider] [/hider]