[h2][center][b][color=6ecff6]Frostbite[/color] and [color=EB8100]Gingerflame[/color][/b][/center][/h2] Frostbite's eyes grew wide as the events sparked through his mind like an electric pulse. The events had to be processed with his brain. When it hit him, he grew fearful slightly. He knew that this was probably the worst occurance that could've aroused from Gingerflame's arrival. If anything, it was worse than her fighting and probably killing him. He hated dealing with situations that could impact someone's life if such a comrade were to fail. [color=6ecff6][i]'What if this was the real thing? What if it wasn't just a tease?'[/i][/color] He wasn't prepared to get himself into the trouble of helping another if this was reality, not just a trick. Though he was neither ready to face sanctions from Hawkstar if he were to just stand there and watch everything play on. He had no choice really. It would make him seem awful if he just let her suffer in pain from something that could potentially change her entire life. Frosbite sucked in the pain and fear. He pulled his usual face of calmness, or what it seemed. It made him look exactly like he know 100% what to do. Gingerflame stopped staggering, placing her paws firmly into the cold mud in an attempt to keep herself upright. The feeling was sudden, and strong, and it definitly wasn't a feeling which she had incountered before. She felt disorintated, unbalanced on her own four legs. Her first thoughts went directly to her pregnancy, to her kits. Was she in labour? No. No. It couldn't be. The pain was strange, sharp, yet, crawling, like a wave of spasms shooting through her muscles. It wasn't any labour pains that she'd felt before, surely, it was something else. [i]But what?[/i] Her past two labours had been a breeze for her, they were simple, no complications or anything. All the kits had been healthy and the pain during labour had been somewhat miminal compared to what she had seen from some of the other Queens. But this, this was not miminal, not at all. She hadn't noticed anything abnormal about this pregnancy, except, maybe... she did feel pretty lethargic last night... No. She was getting paranoid. There was nothing wrong with her, nor the kits, they were fine. It was this whole Greencough scare which got her whiskers in a twist. The very thought of her lose any more of kits to that wretched disease brought shivers down her spine. Yet, she knew, she had to trust that Mallownose knows what he's doing. She had to trust that Mallownose would save her kits if they were in danger. Only Starclan knows what she'd do if she lost any more of her kits... She had to trust him. Her legs felt stiff and heavy as she stood, leaning to the side slightly as she stared at the ground motionlessly. Her thoughts soon turned to Frostbite, who... she didn't know what he was doing. Watching, probably. Slowly, she raised her head, her pain-lit eyes reaching his. [color=EB8100]“Please... take me back to camp...”[/color] She muttered before collapsing towards her side, landing on the floor heavily. Her back legs had given way to her, leaving her consious but laying painfully. Frostbite had no real idea of the situation. Of all the things that could've happened, this had to. He had to remain fully focused, though. One wrong move could really decimate his life; the only chance of survival he faced was with the clan. If he were to loose this, he would lose his life, more importantly Frogpelt. He found it surprising that he managed to calm down so quickly, expression-wise, and had held the face of seriousness, if that made sense. He nodded slightly, though it wasn't clear to the She that he did. Without further action or communication, he lay down. Scooting along the floor on his belly, he pushed himself until she turned horizontally onto his back. Giving full balance support with his tail, he struggled to his feet, managing to lift her on his back. He grunted slightly as he struggled to lift his own weight, doubled by her's. It was probably a foolish move, but he had no other choice. She needed immediate extractions (Tacticool Talk) and he had no time to hesitate and plan a route. As he departed from his sanctuary, he began to regret his move. The pain started to enclose around his back as the preasure increased. It wasn't like he suspected. Her weight arched his back slightly, and so the battle between his body strength and searing pain ignited. Though he could not disappoint his 'Comrade'. He soldiered on, pushing his back into place as he continued to stride as quickly as he could through the forest. He wanted to reach the camp quickly; for his own sake, his reputation and his [i]'Intruder'[/i] He would mutter to himself as he moved, panting heavily to both ease the pain and keep his stamina high enough. He would mutter the words to himself. [color=6ecff6]"Keep...going...get...there...fast..."[/color] He panted within each word, trying to keep himself from collapsing under the weight. What had he gotten himself into today, he'd never know. Before he could fall prey to the pain, he emerged through the outer-borderline of the camp. Frostbite breached into it, without much word. He ignored the one or two questions that fluttered his way, the journey had felt like a trek up the highest of rocks. He placed her onto the ground, without a moment to spare. It took a few seconds to roll her off of him, but Frostbite managed to do so. It all felt so painful. His back ached and grew sore within the first seconds of carrying the she. The extra 'Payload' she was carrying didn't exactly [i]help[/i]. He eventually laid next to her, as he couldn't draw himself far away to rest. He could barely move, as the pain wasn't evaporating as quickly as he hoped. This was probably going to last an hour or two...He finally looked up to the eyes bearing down on him and he muttered just so loud enough for them to hear...[color=6ecff6]"Someone...get...Mallownose..."[/color] -[i]A collaboration by LetMeDoStuff and Ginger Kollie.[/i]-