Driving along back to the clinic, Sky pursed her lips and thought to the wolf attack. So odd.....and no past occurrences of a similar attack..... Frowning she worried that this might indeed be rabies.....hopefully just a wolf who decided to get a little too fond of.....hunting humans. No....then it would have killed the victims. Why was this so hard to figure out! Huffing Sky grit her teeth as she pulled up to the clinic. There were hardly any cars there; just the few owned by employees. Still, the day was slow as ever. Parking and getting out of her truck Sky walked up to the main entrance and entered. She came to the reception room, and was surprised to see three people waiting impatiently on the benches against the wall. She stepped foreword, "Is something wrong?" One man looked up, huffing, "If you call an attack on my prize horse, wrong, then yes." An attack? Red lake didn't usually have such things.....she knew there were people in the world that liked to inflict damage on animals but.... "Human attacker?" The man shook his head, "No.....the doc said it was from an animal....wolf maybe...." Wolf? Sky's eyes widened and the man continued, "I heard a commotion and went out with my gun.....but all I found was my horse in the pasture.....thing must have run off when I came out." Sky blinked, then nodding turned to stride towards the back rooms. She had to see this. Pulling on her scrubs Sky made her way into the operating room, where she heard quiet voices. She went to the door, and what she saw through the glass window made her freeze. A large stallion, lay still on the concrete floor. Red pooled around him and gashes marred most of his body. Cleaved to bone, was an understatement. Signs of wolf was scattered everywhere. The Vet shook his head gravely, and Sky realized with a droop of her shoulders the patient had died. The doctor nodded, "Inform the owner." One of the nurses nodded, "What do I say of the wolf?" "There's nothing we can do but wait for it to make another attack and shoot it in the act. Law would allow its extermination then, but until then we can do nothing." "Yes sir." Sky furrowed her eyebrows. Wolf.