[h3]Outside of the Cave[/h3] @Everyone Ambrosia's brows raised when Ved tried ordering all of them to get to safety. He had to know that it wouldn't work, but it was an honorable shot. [color=#bf9a42][b]“I'm not leaving you or Jay here alone, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same. You know us, we don't take orders well.”[/b][/color] She glanced around the area, trying to figure out a good way of going about this. [color=#bf9a42][b]“I know that I said to [i]not[/i] touch the webs, but what if we lured them out? We could deal with some of them in the open, while you go in for Jay?”[/b][/color] Almost as if in response to her question, from above them an odd clicking noise could be heard. Looking up, a horrifyingly large spider loomed in the trees twenty feet above them. It's radioactive green eyes seemed to glower with pure malice as it cocked it's head to the side, it's mandibles dripping glowing green venom. A large drop of venom headed for Ambrosia and she rolled quickly out of the way with little time to think. Where it landed, it eroded the ground with a vicious hissing noise, leaving a two foot deep hole. From the canopy, other spiders began to emerge. [color=#bf9a42][b]“I wasn't expecting them to have acid venom. Great.”[/b][/color] [h3]In the Cave[/h3] [@MellyNyan] The sounds of Jessica cutting away at the thick webs entangling her echoed faintly throughout the dark cave, the soft sound muffled by the webs encasing the walls and much of the earthen floor. As Jessica cut away the last of the webbing with the sharp rock, the webs around her began to vibrate. Out of the darkness, just mere feet away from her, glowing radioactive green eyes peered at her ominously. As the creature moved towards her, the light from the mouth of the cave revealed it to be a baby mutant spider, perhaps only fractionally bigger than a soccer ball. It made curious clicking sounds with it's mandibles as it tilted it's head to the side, obviously examining Jessica. All around Jessica baby spiders of similar size began to emerge from the darkness, all clicking their mandibles. Without any further warning, one of them began to skitter towards her legs, it's mandibles rearing out as it attempted to take a good chunk out of Jessica's leg.