As soon as the owner of the apothecary opened the door Tooth started barking maniacally and running in circles around Finn as if mad. [color=007236]"Oh, this guy?"[/color] said Finn as the hound went on like a hurricane; [color=007236]"He wouldn't break a thing! Is that right, Tooth?"[/color] Tooth kept circling and the dust from the ground rose around them all like a cloud of golden dust. His behaviour wasn't working in Finn's favour at all. [color=007236]"That's his way of saying he likes you, never mind him," [/color]said Finn, trying to somehow excuse his pet's misconduct and rudeness. [color=007236]"Anyway," Finn went o, "I am looking for some medicine that works as the common antidote for snake venom. Do you have anything of that sort? I can't find anything in the forest nowadays and it's their time of the year now, I don't wanna risk not having the cure in case I get bit, you know--"[/color] Then disaster struck. Finn never found out what Tooth had seen, but the animal dashed straight into the shop and before they could blink the sound of shattering pottery came from the inside. [color=007236]"And calculate the damage too..." [/color]