Holding Olivia as she slept he felt her hair against his face. The scent of her teased him as he took deeper breaths. Shawn's arm around her keeping the blanket over them both. The heat was pleasing and even though the door was closed the wind and cold from outside was dropping the cabin temperature. the rocking of the boat soon set the tone and Shawn fell asleep. Not remembering to set the alarm on his watch. Shawn slept deeply and didn't move until he was lovingly awoken by Olivia's sweet southern voice. Shawn felt the soft kiss on his cheek. He pulled her close trying to forget the world they lived in or the dangers outside. He loved her and the fact that he wasn't wearing a second outer shirt made the need for her closeness all the more urgent. Not that the cold was the primary reason to have her pressed against him. The cold air from Olivia opening the door shot him awake better then any coffee. Shawn put on the shirt from the side of the bunk. Then putting his shoes and socks on, Shawn walked to the sink to kill any thoughts of him returning to bed by spashing some cold water on his face and hair. He put on his jacket and knit cap. Brushing his teeth and stepping out into the cold N.Y. air. Today was moving day and he hoped they could get a boat big enough to make it comfortable. But it had to be small enough to not be a fat target for coastal raiders. He took the gun and crowbar with a few knives hidden under his jacket and in his boot. He tucked the gun in a belt holster looped in his back. A stray bullet would end the boat before it could even be searched. The crowbar would be far more useful to ward off any walkers they might find on the boats. When Olivia returned they had the granola breakfast and warm coffee. Keeping the tea as a treat. Getting back out into the cold air they stepped off the boat and walked close together towards the larger boats. Olivia had to remind Shawn to kill walkers and stop staring at her jeans. Thinking of how selfish his attention was being Shawn began to kill walkers keeping his focus on them. They found a small hut on the shore facing the possible boats to search for a replacement. Breaking the lock was easy and the advantage point was ideal. Shawn thought and turned to Olivia. She mentioned that one person should stay behind. She was more then seasoned and any living person would show themselves to a woman faster then a guy. Knowing her past he shook that idea out of his head. "I think I should go at least this time. Any one on the boat would be less incline to take me on. We have the short range walkies so i will let you know boat by boat how the search is going. I will give you the all clear after I complete the search. If I'm gone for more then a half an hour in a boat take my stuff and leave the bay." He kissed your cheek and stayed low, the light made him too easy to shoot at if someone wanted to. Making it to the first boat Shawn kept one hand on the rail and the other on the crowbar in front of him. Holding his breath he knocked on the hatch with the metal bar. Keying the mic Shawn whispered, "I'm on the boat and knocked no sounds, I'm going inside." Ten minutes of silence Shaw's voice was back on the radio. "This ones clear. No damage. Batteries dead. Moving up the dock." From your position you saw Shawn search each boat and other then the surprise walker in boat five and a boat seven having a family who lost hope deciding to leave this earth together. By the end of the day you had five of twelve boats to pick from. Shawn had the smell of the walkers from the crowbar on him when he returned to the shack. "My batteries almost dead and I think we could siphon some fuel out of two of the boats. I'm going to have to bash out the ignition switch and get the one from my boat. We should dock my boat to yours then transfer the stuff from yours using my boat. At night make the final move to the new boat. It's going to be easier to move rather then lugging all that stuff in multiple trips."