Chronological order? Chronological order. [@Dervish] The first GM of my first real RP (The best I can remember at the very least), Voice of the Sky. The standard I set all my CSs too. If I can't get it past a Dervish inspection, I can't post it. (except for that one time when tiredness made a terrible Riddick Clone. Again. I apologize.) I may have dropped Vengeance of the Deep (RIP Gorzath), but my time in both of those RPs and SW has cemented my eternal respect of you. You call, and I'll answer. [@Lucius Cypher] While not my first RP, Blood is certainly my longest lasting. And we're the last of the starter group, perhaps because we're just mutually stubborn on it. You're insane (But then again, all of the Blood OG's are insane, aren't we?). But you're tenaciously loyal and stubborn. Plots, people, characters, you clung to all of them with a sometimes irritating but always respectable stubbornness. I may have kept Blood going, but you're what kept it together. Interaction between us may be minimal, but if you ever need my help I'll give it to the best of my ability. [@Warden of War] Warden, Warden, Warden. You're no longer on RPG, so I assume. You disappeared on us while GMing Blood. Twice. With no warning, explanation, or apology. However, you are the original creator of Blood. You gave me the longest RP I've had, and the wonderful world and people it came with. I thank you for that. You came back, briefly, to tell us how impressed you are with where we've taken it and everyone felt good because of it. [@MusesFallFirst] Inked, you're definitely the sweetest person I know. RL's been shitty to you, and you're probably not coming back this time. But if you do, I'll be first in line to tell you what a great person you are and how I've missed you. [@vietmyke]Despite the fact that you're like 6ft 6in, I'm 5ft 9in, you're in college, I'm in highschool, you're decidedly Asian, I'm decidedly Caucasian, we are the same person and both look classy as fuck in a bartender outfit. I'll join another RP of yours soon, promise. [@Lillian Thorne] For being the first to show me that I could actually write romance (not that I'm any good at it, mind you) and always being a helping, caring, person, I thank you. [@Fallenreaper] Nothing really to say here that you don't already know. I dislike talking about my problems with you, as it feels like I'm dumping them on you when you already have enough of your own, but when I do you're more than willing to listen. And it's not just me. Friends, strangers, you're willing to do this with anyone who needs someone to talk to you. In sharp contrast, you're completely sadistic to your characters, but we all have our little faults. :p [@Mikael] We don't see each other that much anymore, if at all, and that's a bit depressing. But you're the one who convinced me to keep Mary around, when I was considering letting her slip away and possibly Lucian and Lucien. You may not have known it at the time, but you're the one who convinced me that my writing was actually adding and worth something. You have my eternal gratitude for that. [@Grif of Hearts] For Vailieve and all the crazy shipping that came about for it, I say thank you!. Good times, may more come to the both of us. [@Xodus] You made Chrono Asylum. While that ship might sink a dozen times over, you just PM me when it's back up and running and I'll join it again. And again. And again. [@Gowi] I'm going to be honest, I don't really remember all that well the premise of the last RP we were together in, or why I was playing a giant silver bear who was a soldier and had been enslaved. But I do remember that it was fun as all hell. I don't have time for another RP right now (DAMN YOU HIGHSCHOOOOOOOL!) but I will make a point to join another one of your Rps. Whether you want me to or not. >D