[h2] Collab with [/h2] [@HushedWhispers] [center][h3][color=Red]Clarissa Price[/color] and [color=Blue]Skye Woodsen [/color][/h3] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/b9897ed0c742ce9f4628b9b2411a149d/tumblr_inline_mjfngy5UWZ1ry4p53.gif[/img][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/154345889/large.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Olympus Academy, The Apartments [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Clarissa and Skye[/center] Skye turned his head to look at the figurine touching him as he knew that it was his sister but wanted to tease her anyway. [color=blue][b]"Don't touch me, you vermin."[/b][/color] He pushed her away slightly then eyed her.[color=blue] [b]"Oh, I mean, hello there, sis. Of course I missed you.[/b]"[/color] Skye raised a hand to flick some of his light, blonde locks of hair out of his face. [color=blue][b]"And I already know you missed me too, so need for me to ask, right?"[/b][/color] A slight snicker escaped over his lips as he looked her and answered her question.[color=blue] [b]"My Summer was the same as always. Boys and girls flaunting over me and wanting me but I let them look and not touch." [/b][/color] Skye winked towards his sister as he walked away from her only to go behind his truck and get his luggage. [color=blue][b]"So, how about you, my darling sister? Anything new?"[/b][/color] He raised a slight brow then walked right back beside her.[color=blue] [b]"Talked to mother lately? Is she still be herself?"[/b][/color] Skye asked as he looked at his sister now, leaning back up against his vehicle. The breeze that blew through them brought a small chill up his spine as he loved the way it felt though. As Skye pushed her away; Clarissa pursed her lips at her brother; her eyebrow raised as she shot him a slight glare before she just rolled her eyes at him playfully.[color=red] "Well hello to you too, you dummy." [/color] The Demi Goddess began to twirl her curls between her fingers, playing with her thick brown locks out of habit and she raised a slight eyebrow before she scoffed [color=red]"Why would they flaunt over you?" [/color] she asked, almost in disbelief. [color=red]"Last time I checked, you don't have luscious brown curls or chocolate eyes. Everyone knows, I am the prettiest one out of us two." [/color] she teased her brother with a smirk on her lips.[color=red] "Well of course I missed you...you knuckle head."[/color] she playfully punched Skye on his arm as she let out a slight giggle. [color=red]"Oh...the same old...same old for me."[/color] She said with a smirk [color=red]"You know me, always looking for some fun and trouble."[/color] she had a mischievous smirk on her lips; her brown eyes sparkling as she let out a laugh. [i]'Ah the joys of summer'[/i] she thought to herself. When her brother brought up the subject of their mother; Clarissa bit her lower lip before a deep sigh escaped from her lips [color=red]"No...Not really. It's like she's avoiding me for some reason.....I take it, you haven't spoken to mom either?" [/color]she rose a slight eyebrow at her brother. She bit her lower lip, Clarissa couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Aphrodite; it didn't seem like her to avoid both her and Skye. Something was wrong...and it was unsettling. Skye rolled his eyes as he looked at Clarissa after saying that she was the prettiest of them all. [color=blue][b]"Might want to look again, honey. Brunettes are out. Platinum blondes are in."[/b] [/color] Skye chuckled as he eyed Clarissa again. [color=blue] [b]"You are such a troublemaker. But yeah, I haven't gotten into trouble lately. Guess cause I persuade people to take the blame for me."[/b][/color] Skye chuckled again as he began to walk at a steady pace, hoping that Clarissa knew to follow behind him as he started talking towards the apartments. [color=blue][b]"Hm, no, I haven't talked to or seen mother."[/b] [/color] This feeling really scared Skye as he could feel Clarissa's emotions, as well and it brought him even more down. Skye sighed softly and grew a bit quiet as he and Clarissa were walking towards his room now. Clarissa just smirked at her brother; but the subject of their mother seemed to bring them both down and she couldn't even manage a smile,let alone a laugh at the teasing that went on before-hand. Following her brother in silence, she hugged her jacket around her slim frame, her bag over her shoulder. The silence between the two siblings was awkward.... almost eerie. [color=red]"Do you think, Mom's okay?" [/color] she finally breathed out; the silence was killing her and her emotions were becoming more and more clear. Clarissa looked almost upset and worried. They shouldn't worry right? She told her self...but she knew that both she and Skye were worried for good reasons. She wondered what was going on...she wanted answers...they both needed them. The silence that fell over them made the atmosphere around them feel very eerie. Skye bit his bottom lip nervously as he wished he knew what had happened to his mother, Aphrodite.[color=blue] [b]"Uhm, I sincerely hope so."[/b] [/color] Skye felt Clarissa's emotions and it was very overwhelming for him since he was an Empath. [color=blue][b]"I am sure she is okay. She is Aphrodite, after all."[/b] [/color] Mixing his emotions with Clarissa's did go well together as everything went blank and he collapsed on the ground before them. Only Clarissa would know what was wrong with him and knew how to get him revived. Her brother's words seemed to calm her down a little; but her emotions were still heightened. Clarissa let out a gasp seeing her brother collapse right in front of her; it was something that still was getting used to. She had to keep telling her self that he was an Empath [color=red]"I am sorry."[/color] she whispered to her brother, she hated being the cause of him collapsing on her. She gently brushed his hair away from his eyes, touching her brother's cheek. She seemed to look she was concentrating on healing him, but in fact she was calming her emotions down, once Clarissa was calm...the feelings seemed to dissolve and the weight was taken off of her brother. Clarissa stood up and she grabbed a cloth hurrying to the sink and got it wet. Carrying the cold wet cloth, she placed it on her brother's forehead which seemed to soothe him and wake him up. Clarissa was supporting his body, so he could lean against the wall nearest to them both. Skye felt a hand upon his cheek and hoped that it was Clarissa's as if it was anyone else's he was going to kill them since he doesn't really like to be touch by no one else. His eyes fluttered open as she placed the cloth on his forehead, reviving him to health. He breathed out feeling the emotions being calmed down now as he eyed Clarissa. [color=blue][b]"Thanks, sis."[/b][/color] Though the tone was a bit hushed as he bent down and grabbed his bags. [color=blue][b]"Maybe I should go rest in my room. See you at the assembly?" [/b][/color] He'd ask her while waiting for her answer before walking away and going to his room. Clarissa waited for her brother to wake up; seeing his eyes flutter open she gave him a gentle smile. [color=red]"You're welcome, Bro." [/color] she told him softly. She stood up after a while and she gave her brother a gentle soft smile; but she looked concerned about him. [color=red]"You should get some rest, see you at the Assembly." [/color] she told her brother before she walked off in another direction to drop her bags off at her own room. When she got to her own room; Clarissa leaned against the wall closing her eyes for a few moments. She knew she had to get a grip on herself, she couldn't let her emotions cause her brother stress and make him pass out again....hopefully mother would talk to them soon. One could only hope.