Caroline continued to watch the people in the crowd bump into each other, talk, and do other 'social' things. [color=2e3192]"Why can't I talk to anybody? Am I seriously that shy?!"[/color] she nervously muttered to herself. Almost automatically, she started to quietly sing a song while the time passed by. A few people near Caroline managed to hear her, and paused their conversations to listen. When she looked up halfway through the song her face partly reddened when she saw the people staring at her, with the instructor eyeing her from a distance. Caroline quickly put her head back down, and awkwardly shuffled her feet a few times. The people around her decided to go back to their conversations,but a few whispered something about Caroline's singing; due to her embarrassment,she tried to bury her face in her shirt pretending she was invisible. [i]I'm making a complete fool of myself! I might as well be called the Shy Singer for now on,[/i] she negatively thought to herself.