[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dwM2m6OG60]Cheshik[/url] dove out of the way of the incoming HK and took a battle stance as the HK wheeled around and engaged him in hand to hand. Catching the first fist and countering into the HK's chest, Cheshik proved that he was vastly stronger than the much lighter and more nimble droid, but it did little versus the HK's armor as his fist left barely a dent in it's chest. The HK returned the attack with surprising force into Cheshik's jaw and nose. The droid was incredibly fast and threw several haymakers into the Trandoshan's chest and face before doubling back and delivering a damaging palm into Cheshik's heart that sent him flying backwards. Cheshik flipped onto his stomach and looked up at the HK as it gloated to itself, walking at him slowly to finish him of. His face was bloodied and beaten to a pulp and the liquid pouring out of his nose only sent Cheshik into a rage. He pounded against the catwalk and sprang up into a sprint at the HK. It took a battle ready stance and delivered a sharp strike to Cheshik's chest to run him through but...it stopped just short, a massive claw wrapped around it's wrist. It looked up to see Cheshik's pupiless face and went to pluck out one of Cheshik's eyes, though it wouldn't get very far. Cheshik twisted his hand hard and, in one swift motion, snapped the HK's arm in twain, dropped it, and grabbed the HK's head. He twisted his body and brought the face of the HK into the metal of the catwalk before lifting him up to slam it into the railing, bending it to near breaking, before releasing the HK and letting it recover just enough for him to start wailing again, stuck in a blood rage. The HK stood up and tried to attack, but Cheshik savagely elbowed the HK in the chest before following up with several vicious attacks to the HK's body and head. He shoved the HK back and came to the realization then that he was doing very little to the HK's plating. Every bit of damage he thought he did was superficial at best, but then he noticed the arm. It had broken at the joint. He huffed through his nose, clearing out the blood as he solidified his plan before breaking into another sprint and charging it. It tried to leap up over him and dodge the charge, but Cheshik had none of it and reached up to grab the HK by it's ankle to yank it right back down into the ground. He grabbed at both heels now and turned, slamming it down onto it's face before flipping hands and reversing the maneuver by slamming it down onto it's back. He planted his foot on it's chest, pinning it, before kneeling down and grabbing it's head. The roar he let out was enough to scare off both the pets, whom were watching nearby, as he pulled on the HK's head hard enough to sever the joints and only be held on by the wiring, but Cheshik didn't stop there. He pulled as hard as he could and one by one, the super hardened wiring came apart and was ripped from the main body. Now headless, the HK sat motionless as Cheshik made sure it was destroyed by gripping onto the edges of it's chassis plate and pulling with all his strength to destroy the joints and expose the wiring within. He tore into the wiring with his claws and destroyed part after part, wire after wire, until every last bit of it was shredded to pieces. Once he was done, he breathed heavily and turned away from the legs that once was an HK, the pieces that had held it together having been strewn about. ___ Now, approaching the part of the destroyed catwalk that Iisska had fallen through, he looked down to see nothing but pitch black darkness. Cheshik whistled for his Snickers, whom bellowed from the end of the catwalk. He waved and pointed into the hole. "Retrieve." He yelled. The Varactyl signaled that she understood with a bellow and came up to the metal wall on the far side of the room before standing on her back legs and placing her front paws on the wall. She gripped and her nails tore through the wall, enabling her to climb it with ease and start making the slow advance to the bottom floor of the complex to help Iisska out.