[center][h3][color=6ecff6]Dallas Relo[/color] and [color=silver]Zeke Carter[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BkN6KRW.jpg[/img] [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/835058f5c297c63f255b061793da71c3/http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd510/GlaDos92/ChemoFacebutwithnofacialhair_zpsec022caa.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Dallas Relo and Zeke Carter[/center] As the minutes crept into an hour, and then another hour, the empty campus of Olympus Academy slowly started to hum with activity, as demigods arrived in their own cars, limousines, or in more unconventional methods suited to their parentage and temperament. Of particular interest were the pairs that started to form as brothers started to link up with sisters, sharing both physical resemblances and stories of their summers once they had migrated towards each other. So it was particularly odd seeing one pair split up, a sister leaving a smattering of bags and luggage behind in her brother's wake while the limo that dropped them off pulled away, dignified. While Zeke Carter sped off to drop off the bags in record time and then get back to his no-doubt-vitally-important-eye-flirting, a blonde boy, laying down on the hood of a Mazda with knees raised and one hand behind his head, pushed his hair back with his free hand and half-groaned in epiphany. When Zeke returned, however, that blonde boy was standing directly in his path, grinning with a natural trickster's vibe with arms crossed, one hand cupping one elbow. When he went out to shake the hand of Zeus's son, the hand went right through Zeke's. Two more Dallases, standing now on opposite sides of him, laughed even more loudly, while the boy on the Mazda finally stood atop the hood of his car and bounced, gracefully, onto the soft grass below. As he paced closer to Zeke, the three illusionary clones started to shimmer in focus, catching the light of the sun like windows, before finally blinking out of existence when they were within dueling distance. He adopted the same playful grin that his first clone had been wearing - and this time, stuck his hand out for real. [b][color=6ecff6]"Sorry bro. Rough morning, and I knew I could fool you with it. No hard feelings?"[/color][/b] Normally, Zeke would be pretty pissed about someone messing with him like that. But since it was Dallas, he let him off with a warning punch on the shoulder. That's not to say that it wasn't a hard hit though. [color=silver]"Hey man. Between you and me? I could never hold a grudge on you,"[/color] he chuckled, patting his good friend and teammate on the back, but again not bothering to control his strength. [color=6ecff6][b]"Great! Glad to hear it."[/b][/color] Dallas grinned a little wider, biting back the urge to rub his shoulder, and dug a toe of one Jordan into the grass of the campus courtyard. [b][color=6ecff6]"Because I had a real night, believe you me, buddy. Eleven hours between here and California with no pit stops, and now that I'm trying to get a nap in before assembly, the sun's out giving me energy. It's a pain and a half in the ass, Zeke. It's left me [i]really[/i] unencouraged to do anything in classes today. Or tomorrow. Until the weekend, honestly. And that's not good, man - I got a little sister, not even 18 yet. What kind of example am I setting for her if I sleep through classes for the whole first week? So I figure, you know, we get together in the apartments sometime tonight, tomorrow night. Throw out some invites, we crack some beers, and we all motivate each other for the year's worth of scholastic achievement ahead. Only thing is, I only brought three or four twelve-packs, and nobody's gonna be feeling very positive about school with only three beers in them. I figure, between me and you, we'll plan something sufficiently...uh....interesting."[/color][/b] A night filled with underaged drinkings and possible shenanigans that followed it? Dallas definitely knew how to start the school year off right! Zeke thought about it for a moment, which is rare for him. [color=silver]"I have one pack over at my place that I can bring, but that still wouldn't be enough... But I'm sure I can convince the rest of the football team to pitch in."[/color] Zeke was already making a mental list of who they should invite. He also had to be careful that Stella didn't find about it. Miss Perfect will totally tattle on them if she caught them having a drinking party. He loved his sister and all, but damn, she can be a pain being all 'motherly' and shit. Clearly, Dallas had come to pretty much the same conclusion - with the added caveat that his sister was not only six years younger than Zeke's, but far more impressionable. Thoughtfully, he ran his hand through his hair, pulled his bangs back over sapphire eyes, and then repeated the process for a minute until his face lit up in thought. Then it sank. He began tugging at his hair again before finally shaking his head.[b][color=6ecff6]"You know what? Yeah, you worry about the beer. I'll worry about where we throw this and who gets to find out. Any VIPs you're dying to drink with?"[/color][/b] Zeke did have one person particularly in mind. [color=silver]"The one and only, daughter of Aphrodite, Clarissa Price. She's a total babe,"[/color] he admitted unshyly and without hesitation. He has had his eyes set on her since he laid eyes on her. She was completely gorgeous and she had the perfect body to go with it. He gave Dallas a look that said that if he tried anything on Clarissa, he would most likely be dead in a river the next morning. Seconds later, his face returned back to its normal dopey self, leaving no trace of hostility. [color=silver]"Mostly just the guys though. Any hot girl willing to party is fine by me too."[/color] he added. Zeke checked his phone for a second and noticed the time. The assembly was going to start soon. [color=silver]"By chance do you think they'll actually let us skip the assembly this year? We've only heard that stupid speech like a bazillion times..."[/color] [b][color=6ecff6]"Fuck. Yeah, tell me about it. If I hadn't had such a genius idea to unify our peers and all get wasted together, I'd think that hearing the whole 'these years are the most important of your demigod lives' thing would be a good time to unwind a little."[/color][/b] Dallas raised his eyebrows slightly, and one corner of his mouth twitched in a playful smile.[b][color=6ecff6] "Alright, man, I should probably get a move on. Find [i]my[/i] sister, God only knows what she's gotten herself into without me there. You, uh, talk to the team, and I'll put in a good word for you with whatshername. The girl I don't care about."[/color][/b] Beaming wider, the son of the sun clasped his friend's hand again, used the other to push back his own hair one more time. [b][color=6ecff6]"Talk to you at lunch?"[/color][/b] [color=silver]"For sure, man. See you then."[/color] Satisfied so far with their plans, Zeke walked off along the path, looking for more ways to waste time or hopefully a way to get out of going to the assembly. Dallas, meanwhile, casually used his Nikes to smooth over the spot in the grass where the toe of the shoe had dug into the soft soil. While his feet worked, the demigod half debated just kicking back in the grass with his entire body; laying spread-eagled, letting the sun soak him with enough of its golden rays to carry him through the day. But that would mean missing out on more than just a few dumb first-day festivities, it would mean missing out on friendly time, family time, and skimping out on the invites for the party. He wasn't about to cut his own social femoral artery by being alone in his dorm with sixty beers. [color=6ecff6][i]Fuck that.[/i][/color] But that was still...by now, about fourteen hours off. Right. Dallas had more pressing concerns. [color=6ecff6][center][b]To: Vivian From: Dallas HEY BABE! If anyone asks, I hit, like, a deer. Or some really big animal. On the road from California. It shouldn't affect most of my day, but I don't know if I'm going to make the assembly. Don't worry, I'm okay. It's a good thing this very tragic and authentic accident that I have honestly found myself in won't ruin most of our first day together in months. I can't wait to see you after my miraculous recovery time! - Love your 100% traumatized brother[/b][/center][/color] That's more like it.