[quote=@Kaalee] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mhwx06w.png[/img] Name: Jeanne Marie Beaubier Superhero identity: Aurora Age: 25 Brief History: Jeanne Marie was born a twin, to two loving parents who unfortunately died when she was very young. Her brother was taken in by cousins of their father, but she was sent to a catholic boarding school essentially. She was shy and bullied mercilessly. When she was 13, her powers came in, but being so religious she couldn't accept it. Coupled with the torture one of the nuns put her through when they found out about her powers, Jeanne Marie developed multiple personality disorder. The first being Jeanne Marie, who desperately hates her mutation and mutants in general, the second being Aurora who is carefree, enjoys life and all it's vices pretty much. She also has a third personality than only comes out when she's in extreme danger and likes to see blood just a bit too much. After Aurora reunited with her brother, she found herself part of Alpha Flight, helping with some missions but mostly on the sidelines for the moment. [/quote] Approved! Cool to have a Canuck...and not the typical one. lol