[h1]Itsuki, 16th ward, Old Warehouse[/h1] "Heh, whatever you got into, it can't top the Dove attracting chaos going on in one of the other wards. From the sounds of it, I'd say at least two of the kings are having some sort of turf war right now." He sighed, running his hand through hus hair before he caught sight of the look Mitsurugi was givong him, followed by his subsequent words and actions. Itsukithought about it for a bit, unsure if the man would get angry at what he had available, but then decided that if the ghoul did try anything, he wasn't in a state where he could easily hold the Rinkaku ghoul off. "If you're not picky, I got enough for now, but I'm trying to make it last. Doves are going to be getting antsy after tonight, so it'd be wise to cut back on any unnecessary feeding. But first, let me bring you something before you jump me." Itsuki went back into the freezer, finding the box and opening it to get a few pieces of flesh. It wasn't alot, but it should keep him satisfied for now. Quickly returning, he tossed the packets of meat to the other ghoul, keeping a distance as he did so just in case. He trusted that Mitsurugi had control of himself, but it never hurt to err on the side of caution. "So, after you finish eating, tell me all about how you got your ass-kicked, as well as anything else interesting about your night. And yeah, been a while since I've had some coffee, so don't mind if I do." [@FallenTrinity]