[@Prepiprick Posse] - You are the coolest kids on the internet. We've created incredible, jaw-dropping adventures and had some wild chats. Here's to many more awesome times with you all. [@Dinh AaronMk] - You had the vision to take my half-baked idea for an RP and make something truly spectacular. You have a talent for creating quality dialogue, and you and vilage both have challenged me to step up my game and get on your guys' level. [@Vilageidiotx] - You are a master of characterization. You have a gift for creating multidimensional characters that I struggle to imitate. [@Pepperm1nts] - lub u 5evr. We only give you a hard time about posting because we all know you're in the top tier. We just wish you weren't so concerned about making this perfect post and would just hop in with the rest of us. [@Goldeagle1221] - We made a good team in Gilded. The collaborative posts we made gave me insight on other writing styles that I have since incorporated into other RPs. Looking forward to continuing that tradition in Brimstone II. [@The Nexerus] - We haven't really participated a whole lot in any RPs. However, I see you around quite a bit and from what I've seen, you are a reliable source of inspired, quality writing for the Nation RP section. Keep up the good work. [@Terminal] - Really appreciate your efforts with the monthly writing contests and the Twelve Labors. Thank you volunteering your time to putting that together. Another fine RPer that is willing to accommodate and participate with others as well.