(short post, I gotta get to bed, will do more later) Before anything further could be said or done by the monkeyman or the new waving person, the plantlife stirred in no small magnitude. Thorned vines snaked their way toward Mithias' feet, causing him to instinctively and gracefully step aside, out of their loops. They seemed to begin chasing him and he kept dodging them with deft, yet perplexed steps. He looked at the other two, who seemed to be having the same problem. The roses started blooming before his eyes, a music was being sung, and ill-willed whispers began to grow inside his head. Mithais Narrowed his eyes. Damnit to hell, he was hallucinating. Something was happening to him and he had no control over it. Instead, he concluded, he had been trapped in this imaginary world by some arch-fiend. Sure that was the most logical conclusion. He had to try to wake up. It could have been Gabriel that had done this to him, or perhaps he was poisoned by someone else, while lying back in his bed. Hopefully, he wasn't destroyed yet. He looked up sharply as the sound of crashing drew closer. Giant wooden spiders were easily traversing the garden-jungle around them. This was totally ridiculous. "This can't possibly be real." Mithias was determined to test his theory and remained still. If this insanity was at all meaningful, then it would have to prove itself. Thorny vines finally found him and coiled around his limbs. he grimaced at their sharp thorns but did not react. He tried to concentrate on waking up and blocked out everything around him.