[center][h3][color=gold]Tara Niklos[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Driving toward the Highwind Household [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Jonas Highwind[/center][hr][hr] From: Brother in Arms (Jonas) [color=ed1c24][i]I'm up You on the road?[/i][/color] Of course. OF COURSE she had to pick him up. Tara hurled her stuff into the back of her car, ignoring the clatter of multiple metal objects inside her backpack as it slammed against the rear seat of the vehicle, adding a few more marks to the already scratched seat backing. Stupid Jonas. Good enough and old enough to win every match but OH NO he couldn't drive himself to school. Had to get his kid sister to come and haul his sorry ass. "UGH!" She groaned, throwing her hands up in the air and going back inside, grabbing her backpack off of the counter, blowing a strand of hair out of her face, and shouting up the stairs. "Mom, dad, I'm GOING! I have to pick up Joan-ASS." A muffled goodbye came from up the stairs, then a shuffle. Her mom came stampeding down, pulling Tara into a hug. The girl stiffened, then looked up at her mother. "Call me, okay?" her mother asked, pushing her hair back behind her ears, Tara looking down and responding with "yeah, whatever... Bye mom." The instant she was out the door, Tara reached up and flicked the hair out from behind her ear again, letting the only semblance of order it had been gathered into fall apart. [i]Okay, calm down, Tara... You're letting him mess with you again.[/i] To: Brother in Arms (Jonas) [i]On my way. Ugh.[/i] She gritted her teeth as she jumped into the front seat, starting the engine and pulling out of her driveway. 30-1-0. Stupid Jonas. Only spot in her loss column. She rubbed her chin with one hand, feeling for the slight bump where a calcium deposit had sprung up where he'd hit her particularly hard. You couldn't see it, but it was there. She gripped her steering wheel tighter. How come he got to be so good... Her phone buzzed. Wait a few minutes until a traffic light, then check it- From: BiA (Jonas) [i]If your feathers are too ruffled, I'll spar ya later, alright?[/i] Tara dropped the phone into the cupholder, looking back at the road. Damn, he knew how to calm her down too well...