Oh boy, she'd walked into a puzzle box. [i]Not exactly my forte...[/i] Still, she'd take a reunion with her friends plus puzzle over the alternative. As usual, all of her concern had been for nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. She still had no freaking idea what was going on. She wasn't really the type to get sentimental, but it did feel good seeing everybody again. It was only digital, but Crystal's hug felt pretty okay, she guessed. [i]Even though it's digital.[/i] Whatever. Now that she was with everybody again, she didn't need to think about it anymore. Thankful for the distraction, even if it was an intelligence-type distraction, she listened to Apex's dissection of the puzzle. His logical mind was pretty good at this sort of thing, even in a weird situation like this. Cypher had to give credit where it was due. Her strength was in her impulsiveness - brute force solutions to overcomplicated problems. Gordian Knot-type stuff. Would it be useful here? "...This book wants us to write down what we value above all- something we couldn't be happy without," explained Apex. Cypher frowned. Everybody else in the group seemed perturbed at this revelation as well, including Apex himself. "So... Who wants to go first?" Cypher glanced around at the members present. Atomik seemed to be waiting for something... maybe she just didn't want to take first dibs. BreGle was nonchalantly standing watch like he said he was going to. Apex wasn't exactly chomping at the bit either. [i]You guys... Damn.[/i] It wasn't really unexpected. Who wanted to spill their deep secrets to who-knows-who? As far as they could tell, this place could be feeding info to a hacker group, other nations, even the entire world wasn't out of the question. For a group brought together mostly by combat, maybe they weren't ready to bare all just yet. "Tch... You guys are the worst. Is this the only obstacle in our way? Fine, give it here, this is about the only thing I'm good for anyway. You damned hackers, or goons, or the whole damned planet for all I care, you'd better watch carefully!" After a bold statement to the cosmos, she snatched the book out of Apex's hands. She thought for just a split second before heaving a world-weary sigh and scribbling some words near the top of the page: [i]"My names."[/i] After such a momentous revelation, she was expecting some sort of fanfare, maybe a fairy godmother to come out and tell them they'd solved the puzzle and could go to the ball. But such things were absent. She didn't like it, but it was obvious why. Cypher wasn't so important on her own that this puzzle could be solved by only her. "What, you think I'm gonna write some sappy crap like 'My friends~'? Get real, losers! Of course. I'm only step one. Which means step two is... Hoi!" Without warning, she side-hand chucked the book over to the nearby Crystal. "Let's go now, Leader, better think fast or I'm gonna stage a mutiny. Let's see them juicy secrets." Her words were harsh, but her voice was singsong like she was caught in some eternal comedy routine. It was plain as day that Cypher had put up a bunch of walls in response to having to bare her soul. It wasn't like she went around everywhere telling folks what she valued most - it was the opposite, really. She wasn't shy about slamming her family at every possible opportunity. And she didn't like the fact that she'd received her name from people like them. But it was the first thing she had ever possessed for herself. In that light, it had infinite value for her. And after having to 'fess up to a secret like that... well, of course she was gonna beat a hasty retreat into herself. The only reason she was able to come out and write it in the first place was because she could act without thinking. Still, it was Crystal's turn. After the book left her hands, Cypher turned on her heels, clasped her hands behind her head like she was resting on a pillow and 'casually' began strolling around the room, taking interest in small objects or just the architecture. She figured the rest of the group's secrets weren't her business, and she didn't really care to pry. They'd say something if they wanted to, otherwise, Cypher was happy to just leave this business behind her. "Y'all better solve all the rest of these riddles on your own. I'm gonna be over here looking at flowers or some garbage like that. Call me if you need something beat up."