[i]Just found it a bit strange that I dodged my dad's fi-[/i] Cassandra frowned at that stopped sentence, Fist, she was sure was the interrupted word. Anger flashed through her. A parent shouldn't hit their kid, shouldn't use them as a punching bag, but feeling that saying anything would just offend Kaden, she didn't say anything. Kaden's words were all very poetic, but she had her doubts. "You normally don't come out of a life or death situation with the injuries healed" She pointed out, speaking softly, closed her mouth when Officer Owen approached. She gritted her teeth at his comment about htem hanging out with Kaden. "What, you mean hanging around with a friend? A strange concept for you, Officer. You probably don't even know the meaning. A friend is someone who actually likes you" She shook her head, and sighed, "We aren't doing anything illegal, unless sitting in a coffee shop and talking has suddenly become illegal."