The tires grinding against the inconsistent, barren landscape before the group of kids was barely audible through all of the loud talking some of the ones did, who knew each other before they enrolled. The loud chatter didn't bother Ethel, who sat properly straight with both of her hands resting on her lap, looking out the window with an almost robotic gaze. She didn't seem to mind the heat compared to almost everyone else, even though she was sweating as much as any other. The hoodie she wore had it's... Well, hood resting comfortable on blue strands of hair belonging to the girl. A lone skyscraper came into view after quite a while of driving, many cheering for the fact there was something in sight. The bus came to a halt a few more minutes after that, everyone eager to get out. Ethel rose from her own seat, using one of the chairs in front of her for support in standing up. Most people had already poured out of the bus, some only remaining to check if they didn't leave anything behind. One particular person caught Ethel's eye, a sleeping boy. Odd how someone could sleep through that racket and heat, but he did... The schoolgirl stopped pondering soon enough and made her way down and out of the bus herself. The driver had opened the storage for where all luggage was held and students were fumbling to get their bags and suitcases out of there. Ethel waited until the crowd cleared and took her own travelling suitcase out, a pink and yellow flower pattern painted on it. It was also equipped with wheels that wouldn't get stuck in the sand, because of Ethel's weak physique she couldn't exactly carry her luggage all the way into and up the building. She extended the handle and made her way into the building, following behind most other students. Some went with the stairs and most with the elevator which the bluenette managed to just squeeze into as well. The numbers representing the floors they passed started to count... 1... 2... Eventually the elevator Ethel was on reached it's destination, floor eleven. Because she got in late the girl was one of the first to step out of the elevator, analyzing everyone who had arrived here a few moments before. Some students were already gathered before a teacher who was standing in front of a rack with structure decks and card packs. The cards you'd be getting were dependant on what you chose at the beginning and you weren't allowed to bring your own... Ethel spotted a spot where people left their luggage temporarily, as it'd just get in the way while dueling. The girl delicately rolled her own suitcase near the pile, pressed the handle back into the casing and walked over to the place where everyone was choosing decks. She arrived after a few had already been claimed, then looked over at the remaining ones. A Genex deck caught the girl's eye, but just as she was about to speak up another person, a boy with a loud voice, claimed it. The normally static expression of Ethel changed a little, with a slight downcast of her eyes showing disappointment at not being able to pick it. Genex was the deck she used to learn how to duel and now she wasn't going to be able to use it. Ethel made a second scan off all the card packs and structure decks, the monotone of the teacher explaining and handing out being muted out over the chatter in the background. Another deck stood out to Ethel. "Justice Counter-Attack!". A robot stood on the cover, stark white and powerful looking. [color=7ea7d8]"I... Want Justice Counter-Attack..."[/color] the quiet voice rang out. Several people stopped chattering for a moment to let it sink in what she just picked, and some shooting her strange glances. The bluenette was starting to wonder if she did something wrong, but the teacher was already heading over to get it for her. [color=gold]"Card pack?"[/color] He asked as he picked it up off of the shelf. Ethel hadn't thought that far ahead yet. There were five possible choices, all lined up. She blurted out [color=7ea7d8]"Hidden Arsenal Five"[/color] as more of a reflex than an actual choice, but she wouldn't be able to take it back now. Following the teacher's instructions she got her deck, card pack and duel disk and was told to head over to the arena. Ethel had taken a seat at the top-most row and in the corner, far away from everyone else. She was looking through the cards included in the structure deck, which all seemed to focus on getting rid of light monsters. Once she was able to get a proper glance at every card the girl started shuffling her new deck. The box which came with it she'd already thrown into a nearby trash bin and the academy licensed duel disk she was going to have to use was sitting next to her on another chair. Ethel had never used one of those before. All of the education before this point was done on a table so the device was foreign to her. She'd read about them, yes, but never actually saw one. It looked heavy. After she was done shuffling, she put the cards down next to her for a second. Ethel hadn't looked into her card pack yet, she'd be leaving that for after the placement duels. The duel disk was picked up and put on the girl's arm, her accidentally pressing a button with her thumb which caused the safety strap to wrap itself around her arm. She flinched, but didn't jump. A few blinks signaled Ethel's surprise though it disappeared as fast as it came. Slotting her new deck into the holder and the extra deck into the provided slot Ethel glanced around the room again, scanning the students she was on the bus with a few moments ago once more.