[@Wraithblade6][@Tyki][@Snarfulblast] The massive hurricane winds tear at the ground, ripping the harmless fruit trees and trumpets from the ground. Glowing little white flowers are thrown around with high-pitched screams, even as many wonders of the world are torn to pieces by the wind. However, even as the centre of the Gardens is devastated by the hurricane, the Blood Rose and the Guardians seem not to care. Even as a Guardian is smashed to pieces on the ground it merely reassembles itself, wood growing back together, vines once more twisting around one another. Twelve Light blue orbs stare out from the undergrowth of it's face, even as it's pincers reappear. The Blood Rose is hardly even affected, it's vines continuing deep under the garden. Even the Hurricane lacked the grip or the power to tear up such a massive planet, which stretched out for miles on end in each direction. A massive guardian charges the new arrival, towering over the Ice Dragon. A blast of frost slows it, as ice forms around it's body, but it's simply too massive to freeze easily. These beings were the size of houses, like a land-based death-whale. Albert was forced to fly aside to avoid being crushed by the creature's onslaught. But the great majority of Guardians focused on the midget who had dared deal such damage to the Garden. Even as he attempted to planet the peach, he found himself assaulted by the massive beings. They surrounded him, leaving no room for escape as their number increased. There were over a hundred Guardians in the Garden, and they were all gathering here. A single Guardian rushed forward, attempting to stomp on or bite at Markus. Even a glancing hit from those massive limbs could have crushed the midget like a pringle, as legs like tree trunks swiped at his position. The others merely waited for him to move, ready to jump at him should he attempt to evade. Shiro had kept low during the hurricane, feeling the immense power of the winds wash over him. It seemed strange that the weather would turn against the Dragon Emperor. The Four Winds had all sworn loyalty to him, as had Raiden. If this were an act of betrayal by one of them, it was being done most foolishly. But Shiro could not feel their presence. No, it appeared the tiny figure was some form of Kami himself, gaining power over the storms directly. The assassin moved from shadow to shadow, sizing up and numbering his opponents. Undoubtedly more of the Emperor's armies would arrive soon. The Servants of Death would appear first, and would soon be followed by the Dragon Guard. This entire place was soon to turn into a slaughtering ground, and he would need to provide tactical support. As such, he would eliminate his targets one by one. As such, logically, he would eliminate the one that had been flung away. He discovered Blarg in a pile of dead plants, tangled with the limbs of a tree. Quickly, the assassin jumped forward to end the creature's life.